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Optimizing Java

Given by Zoran Budimlic at Java for CSE Meeting on Dec 16 1996. Foils prepared Jan 12 1997

No Title

Based on Summer work by Zoran Budimlic at JavaSoft and Collaboration with Ken Kennedy
Java bytecodes are at a higher level than ordinary assembly code
Exceptions greatly reduce code movement opportunities
OOP style (lots of method calls) reduces the data flow information available
No knowledge about the whole program at compile time
Standard trilema: functionality vs. portability vs. performance
Adopt the current javac strategy: one class at a time, no changes to VM, lowest performance
Or sacrifice some portability and functionality for better optimization
Or sacrifice a lot of portability and functionality for best performance

Table of Contents for Optimizing Java

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No Title 1 Optimizing JavaTM
No Title 2 Issues
3 Global View
4 First Approach
5 First Approach: Pros And Cons
6 Register and Stack Allocation
7 Current Performance
8 Second Approach
9 Interprocedural Analysis
10 Object Inlining
11 Class Duplication
12 Third Approach
13 Global Problem: Exceptions
14 Exceptions: Possible Solutions
15 Impact on HP Java
16 Conclusion

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