Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 7 1996

Foil 29 Computer Architectures - MIMD - Distributed Memory

From MetaComputing -- MRA Meeting Part I:Concepts and Issues Tutorial for CRPC MRA Meeting at Cornell -- May 7 1996. by Mark Baker, Geoffrey Fox

1 Memory is physically distributed among processors; each local memory is directly accessible only by its processor.
2 Similar to buying an ordinary workstation, each component of a distributed memory parallel system is, in most cases, a self-contained environment, capable of acting independently of all other processors in the system.
3 To achieve the true benefits of this system, there must be a way for all of the processors to act in concert, which means "control"
4 Synchronisation is achieved by moving data between processors (communication).

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Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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