Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 7 1996

Foil 76 Legion - Philosophy

From MetaComputing -- MRA Meeting Part I:Concepts and Issues Tutorial for CRPC MRA Meeting at Cornell -- May 7 1996. by Mark Baker, Geoffrey Fox

1 Under lying themes: cannot design a system that will satisfy every
2 user's needs, so must design an extensible system.
3 For example:
4 Security - Trade-off between security and performance (due to the cost of authentication, encryption, etc.). Rather than providing a fixed level of security, users may choose their own trade-offs by implementing their own policies or by using existing policies via inheritance.
5 Fault-Tolerance - Select the level of fault-tolerance needed, and pay for only what they use. By allowing the user to implement there own services or to inherit them from library classes, providing flexibility complemented by a menu of existing choices.

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