Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 7 1996

Foil 150 Vava Features -- It's Distributed

From MetaComputing -- MRA Meeting Part I:Concepts and Issues Tutorial for CRPC MRA Meeting at Cornell -- May 7 1996. by Mark Baker, Geoffrey Fox

1 Popular TCP/IP based protocols such as FTP or HTTP are supported in terms of network protocol classes.
2 This facilitates various forms of distributed processing. New protocols (e.g. PVM etc.) can added and dynamically installed.
3 Distributed computing model of Java is mainly client-server, with Java compiler preparing the opcodes at the server side, and Java interpreter executing it at the client side.
4 One can expect more dynamic uses of Java with Java threads on both Server and Client side communicating with each other.

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Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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