Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 7 1996

Foil 20 Some Terminology - 8

From MetaComputing -- MRA Meeting Part II:The Practical Issues Tutorial for CRPC MRA Meeting at Cornell -- May 7 1996. by Mark Baker, Geoffrey Fox

1 Process - Fundamental entity of the software implementation on a computer system. A process is a sequentially executing piece of code that runs on one processing unit of the system.
2 Queuing - Method by which jobs are ordered to access some computer resource. Typically the batch manager will place a job the queue. A particular compute resource could possibly have more than one queue, for example queues could be set up for sequential and parallel jobs or short and long job runs.
3 Sequential Job - Defined as a job that does not pass data to remote processes. Typically such a job would run on a single workstation - it is possible that for a sequential process to spawn multiple threads on its processor.

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