Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at JNAC (PetaFlops) Presentation on August 28,1996. Foils prepared August 23 1996
Outside Index
Summary of Material
This was part of a set of PetaFlop (JNAC) Presentations to group of Federal Program Managers |
JNAC = Joint National Advanced Computing Initiative |
First we describe Software Strategy in context of Multilevel Systems Architecture |
Three Foils describe a general comparison between JNAC and HPCC |
Finally some back up foils give more detail |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
August 28 1996 |
Geoffrey Fox |
All proposed hardware architectures have a complex memory hierarchy which should be abstracted with a software architecture
This implies a layered software architecture reflected in all components
The Software Architecture should be defined early on so that hardware and software respect it!
Users and Compilers must be able to have full control of data movement and placement in all parts of petaflop system |
Size and Complex Memory Structure of PetaFlop machines represent major challenges in scaling existing Software Concepts |
PetaFlop Applications which are grouped into sets with an interface to their own |
Problem Solving Environments |
Application Level or Virtual Problem Interface ADI |
Operating System Services |
Multi Resolution Virtual Machine Interfaces joining at lowest levels with |
Machine Specific Software |
Hardware Systems |
Domain Specific Application Problem Solving Environment |
Numerical Objects in (C++/Fortran/C/Java) High Level Virtual Problem |
Expose the Coarse Grain Parallelism of the Real Complex Computer |
Expose All Levels of Memory Hierarchy of the Real Complex Computer |
Virtual |
Problem /Appl. ADI |
Multi |
Level |
Machine ADI |
MPI represents data movement with the abstraction for a structure of machines with just two levels of memory
This was a reasonable model in the past but even today fails to represent complex memory structure of typical microprocessor node |
Note HPF Distribution Model has similar (to MPI) underlying relatively simple Abstraction for PEM |
This addresses memory hierarchy intra-processor as well as inter-processor
Level 2 Cache |
Level 1 Cache |
Application Specific Problem Solving Environment |
Coarse Grain Coordination Layer e.g. AVS |
Massively Parallel Modules (libraries) -- such as DAGH HPF F77 C HPC++ HPJava |
Fortran or C plus generic message passing (get,put) and generic memory hierarchy and locality control |
Assembly Language plus specific (to architecture) data movement, shared memory and cache control |
High |
Level |
Low Level |
Main JNAC Program is a mix of both research and development with |
Development is focused on JNAC machines and identified application areas and along lines of a Broad Systems Architecture established (evaluated and evolved) by JNAC |
Work should start now on initial studies to explore the possible system architectures and |
Suggest locations for the "sweet-spots" (necks in the hour glass) to define interfaces |
These "petaflop software point studies" should be interdisciplinary involving hardware, systems software and applications expertise |
Establish and Review Software Architecture and consistent use of Interfaces |
} |
} |
} |
} |
JNAC Architecture Review |
Board |
The Five Software Development Areas |
} |
The mission Critical Applications |
Development of Approximately 3 shared Problem Solving Environments with rich set of application targeted libraries and resources
Development of Common Systems Software |
Programming Environments from Compilers to multi-level runtime support at the machine independent ADI's |
Machine Specific software including lowest level of data movement/manipulation |
Next Three foils isolate some differences and commonalities in two programs |
Both set a hardware goal (teraflop for HPCC and petaflop for JNAC) to focus activity but in each case systems and applications were main justification |
Both couple applications with software and architectures in multidisciplinary teams with multi-agency support |
HPCC was dominantly research
HPCC inevitably developed MPP's and transferred parallel computing to computing mainstream
HPCC aimed at Grand challenges in Industry Government and Academia
HPCC developed software (PSE's) largely independently in each Grand Challenge
HPCC tended to develop hardware with rapidly changing architectures which software "chased" rather laboriously
HPCC aimed to transfer technology to Industry for commercialization
HPCC is Research -->Capitalization-->Product
HPCC was a broad program aimed at "all" (large scale) users of computers
Material from PetaSoft Conference and later discussions |
code generation |
memory management |
routing/interconnect |
thread management |
diagnostics |
fault containment |
interupt handling |
device drivers |
scalable filesystems |
networking interfaces |
scheduling |
HL-memory management |
HL-latency management |
performance data |
debugging tools |
intermediate code representations |
object files (a.out) |
HL-resource management |
query of systems state |
operating systems services |
compiler middleware |
basic visualization tools |
numerical libraries |
Define a "clean" model for machine architecture
Define a low level "Program Execution Model" (PEM) which allows one to describe movement of information and computation in the machine
On top of low level PEM, one can build an hierarchical (layered) software model
One can program at each layer of the software and augment it by "escaping" to a lower level to improve performance
This is not really a simple stack but a set of complex relations between layers with many interfaces and modules |
Interfaces are critical ( for composition across layers)
Enable Next |
10000 |
Users |
For First 100 |
Pioneer Users |
Higher Level abstractions |
nearer to |
application domain |
Increasing Machine |
detail, control |
and management |
1)Deep Memory Hierarchies present New Challenges to High performance Implementation of programs
2)There are two dimensions of memory hierarchy management
3)One needs a machine "mode" which supports predictable and controllable memory system leading to communication and computation with same characteristics
4)One needs a low level software layer which provides direct control of the machine (memory hierarchy etc.) by a user program
5)One needs a layered (hierarchical) software model which supports an efficient use of multiple levels of abstraction in a single program.
6)One needs a set of software tools which match the layered software (programming model)
1)Explore issues in design of petaComputer machine models which will support the controllable hierarchical memory systems in a range of important architectures
2)Explore techniques for control of memory hierarchy for petaComputer architectures
3)Explore issues in designing layered software architectures -- particularly efficient mapping and efficient interfaces to lower levels
Well the rest of the Software World is Changing with emergence of WebWindows Environment! |
Current approaches (HPF,MPI) lack needed capability to address memory hierarchy of either today's or any future contemplated high performance architecture -- whether sequential or parallel |
Problem Solving Environments are needed to support complex applications implied by both Web and increasing capabilities of scientific simulations |
So I suggest rethinking High Performance Computing Software Models and Implementations! |
Domain Specific Application Problem Solving Environment |
Numerical Objects in (C++/Fortran/C/Java) High Level Virtual Problem |
Expose the Coarse Grain Parallelism of the Real Complex Computer |
Expose All Levels of Memory Hierarchy of the Real Complex Computer |
Virtual |
Problem /Appl. ADI |
Multi |
Level |
Machine ADI |
Pure Script (Interpreted) |
High Level Language but Optimized Compilation |
Machine Optimized RunTime |
Semi-Interpreted |
a la Applets |
Relatively Conventional but still Innovative!
Special Purpose Systems
Architecture Innovation (Perhaps Special Purpose)
Radical Technology Innovation (Superconducting Processors)