Basic HTML version of Foils prepared October 25 1999

Foil 43 PPT Slide

From Gateway: A High Level Interface to High performance Commodity Metacomputing PhD Proposal NPAC -- Sept 23 1999. by Erol Akarsu

1 AcmeAccountHome
2 AcmeRemoteAcccout
4 Client
5 AccountBean
6 6
7 5
8 4
9 3
10 2
11 1
12 AccountHome
13 Ask for
14 AcmeAccountHome
15 Return
16 AcmeAccountHome
17 Create EJB Object
18 Return
19 EJB Object
20 Business
21 methods
22 Delegate
23 requests
24 EJB Bean Provider
25 class and interfaces
26 Classes generated
27 by EJB container
28 Container
29 contract
30 EJB Container
31 A comparison with EJB:
32 a basic Execution flow
33 of EJB objects(Enterprise
34 JavaBeans)

in Table To:

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Page produced by wwwfoil on Mon Oct 25 1999