Basic HTML version of Foils prepared October 25 1999

Foil 45 PPT Slide

From Gateway: A High Level Interface to High performance Commodity Metacomputing PhD Proposal NPAC -- Sept 23 1999. by Erol Akarsu

1 //store this XML document in file "module_properties.xml"
2 <UserModule idlFile="test1.idl" componentID="timerModule_1">
3 <repositoryID>IDL:Gateway/test/timer_1:1.0</repositoryID>
4 <properties>
5 <simpleDef attID="timerEvent" eventType="genericEvent">
6 <wrapper_interface>IDL:Gateway/test/timerEvent:1.0 </wrapper_interface>
7 <simple type="string" name="genericTimerEvent">
8 <description>this is optional desctiption</description>
9 <repositoryID>string</repositoryID>
10 </simple>
11 </simpleDef>
12 <structDef attID="timerProperty" eventType="propertyEvent">
13 <wrapper_interface>IDL:Gateway/test/timerProperty:1.0 </wrapper_interface>
14 <struct type="struct" name="timerPropertyEvent">
15 <description>this is optional desctiption</description>
16 <repositoryID>IDL:Gateway/test/timerstruct:1.0</repositoryID>
17 <sequence type="sequence<long>" name="pastValues">
18 <description>this is optional desctiption</description>
19 <repositoryID>IDL:Gateway/test/longArray:1.0</repositoryID>
20 </sequence>
21 <simple type="string" name="currenttime">
22 <description>this is optional desctiption</description>
23 </simple>
24 </struct>
25 ...................//Other property definitions
26 </properties>
27 <methodList>
28 <method name="method_1" returnType="void">
29 <parameter name="p1" type="string"/>
30 <parameter name="p2" type="long"/>
31 </method>
32 <method name="method_2" returnType="void"> </method>
33 </methodList>
34 </UserModule>
35 Partial translation
36 of the idl file above
37 in XML document

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