Given by Wojtek Furmanski at ARL ASC Joint Mid Year Review Aberdeen Maryland on Feb 23-25 1999. Foils prepared Feb 20 1999
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Summary of Material
NPAC Activities Supporting FMS CTA at ARL and CEWES |
Year 3 of DoD Modernization PET Program |
Includes Parallel CMS, JWORB, WEbHLA and OWRTI |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Wojtek Furmanski |
NPAC, Syracuse University |
ARL/ASC Joint Review and Planning Workshop, |
Aberdeen, MD, February 23-25, 1999 |
Explore synergies between Web, HPC and HLA technologies for FMS and Metacomputing |
Develop WebHLA as Integration Platform |
Address selected HPC M&S Applications (such as Parallel CMS) using WebHLA |
Cooperate with and provide training for FMS CHSSI systems (SPEEDES, IMPORT, HPC RTI, E-ModSAF, Tempo/Thema) |
WebHLA - Web based HLA compliant multi-MSRC Metacomputing Infrastructure |
Metacomputing CMS - WebHLA applied for large scale (1M+ mines) minefield simulation |
FMS Training Space - WebHLA applied for real-time interactive training for FMS technologies |
FMS Community takes the lead in use of distributed object technology through HLA/RTI standards |
WebHLA as a single stop shop to convert legacy codes simultaneously to HLA, Web, HPC platforms |
We use 3 tier Pragmatic Object Web which links distributed object technology to both "ordinary HPCC" (see Gateway talk by Fox) and FMS |
So our FMS Strategy links HPC Web and HLA in an elegant clean fashion that is applicable over all CTA's |
HLA is a distributed object technology (DOT) for Modeling and Simulations |
DATORR effort from Java Grande forum trying to address similar DOT for classic HPCC |
RTI is to FMS (event driven simulations) as MPI is to Classic HPC (time-stepped simulations) |
WebHLA starts from FMS and can also extend / add value to Classic HPC (most other CTAs) |
WebHLA Modules Development (OWRTI, CMS etc.) |
Conference Presentations (10 papers published) |
Demonstrations (JSIMS/Panda @ SPAWAR, SC'98) |
Tutorials (FMS at JSU, SPEEDES at JNTF) |
Book In Progress (Pragmatic Object Web, Wiley 99) |
Assisting FMS CHSSI Team (FMS-3, FMS-4, FMS-5) |
Help with FMS CHSSI `99 Proposals (2 submitted) |
PET FMS Web Site Development (100+ pages) |
Parallel=>Metacomputing CMS (HLA conversion) |
WebHLA Modules Development (OWRTI, CMS etc.)
OMBuilder for WebFlow based Visual HLA Authoring |
WebHLA authoring tools: WebFlow + OMBuilder for DMSO Jager HLA application/demonstration |
Similar to HLA/RTI but |
without object/database model |
(OMT, OML, FOMs, SOMs) |
DirectX based SimVis Commodity Tools for CMS (left) and Jager (below) |
Conference Presentations (10 papers published)
Demonstrations (JSIMS/Panda @ SPAWAR, SC'98)
Parallel CMS Demo: HPCMO Booth, SC'98, Orlando, FL |
Tutorials (FMS JSU, SPEEDES at JNTF)
FMS Training Space: HLA, SPEEDES, ModSAF, CMS |
Book Development (Pragmatic Object Web, Wiley `99)
Assisting FMS CHSSI Team (FMS-3, FMS-4, FMS-5)
Help with FMS CHSSI `99 Proposals (2 submitted)
PET FMS Web Site Development (100+ pages)
Parallel => Metacomputing CMS (HLA conversion)
Parallel CMS: DIS/HLA Bridge, Playback, DirX SimVis |
Good progress in developing WebHLA - potential new breakthrough technology from FMS CTA |
Major publication and demonstration efforts (SC98 and JSIMS demos, papers, book, FMS Web site) generate broad visibility for FMS |
Building solid relations with Ft. Belvoir and SPAWAR (via joint CHSSI projects / proposals) |
Initial interest of JSIMS (Jeff Wallace) and DMSO (Judith Dahmann) in WebHLA |
Establish WebHLA based multi-MSRC Metacomputing support, starting from ARL & CEWES in the FMS domain |
Complete FMS Training Space, deploy advanced distance training for SPEEDES, IMPORT, HPC RTI, E-ModSAF, Tempo/Thema |
Develop HPC Intelligent Agents with CHSSI and JSIMS/Maritime |
Promote dual-use of WebHLA for general purpose Metacomputing (DoE/Sandia, NSF/Alliance, Industry) |
Establish long term commercial support for base FMS technologies such as WebHLA via SU/NPAC spin-off Translet, Inc. |
Current Translet activities include: