Basic HTML version of Foils prepared August 15 99

Foil 25 Parallel CMS Release for Ft. Belvoir: List of Components / Federates

From Forces Modeling and Simulation (FMS): Year 3 Final Report ARL MSRC PET Annual Review and Planning Workshop, Aberdeen, MD, -- August 3-5, 1999. by Wojtek Furmanski

1 JWORB - Java Web Object Request Broker - middleware server
2 OWRTI - Object Web Run-Time Infrastructure - HLA communication
3 OMBuilder - Object Model Builder - Web based FOM authoring tool
4 Parallal CMS - Origin2000 port of CMS from Ft. Belvoir
5 JScope - Java based parallel performance monitor and PDU probing tool
6 JDIS - Java based DIS=>HLA bridge server (for ModSAF subnet)
7 SimVis - DirectX based 3D simulation visualization front-end
8 Logger Federate - used to save simulation events in a relational database
9 Playback Federate - used to replay a simulation from an event database
10 Meta-Cluster Manager - to coordinate HPC platforms at various MSRCs
11 SPEEDES based Parallel CMS - to assure optimal scalability and portability

in Table To:

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