Given by David Bernholdt, Geoffrey C. Fox at Cewes PET Annual Meeting on February 9-10 1999. Foils prepared February 20 1999
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Summary of Material
Year 4 of DoD Modernization PET Program |
Collaboration and Communication |
Training |
Distance Education |
Web Interfaces to Computation |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
NPAC/Syracuse University |
Last three years have seen unprecedented progress in distributed object and web tech. & their applications |
Object web technologies offer a unique way to learn, to work together, and to construct large-scale computer applications |
Consequently, object web technologies can and should play a major role in improving access and ease of use in HPCC-related areas, just as in the world at large |
Use of commodity- and standards-based software facilitates maintenance, interoperability, and future development |
NPAC has substantial experience in coupling object web technologies with HPCC- and education-related applications |
Our long-range vision is to make the use of advanced web technologies to facilitate all aspects of DoD computational science. |
Areas addressed in Year 4 proposals (nearly all based on web and distributed object technology)
Extremely high leverage for PET $ |
Improvement of productivity in access to HPCC resources and personnel (especially off-site users) |
Take advantage of computers and networks to collaborate more efficiently |
Improved training capabilities |
Promote new ways of approaching problems |
Promote commodity- and standards-based solutions |
Strategic Roadmap |
Core Support: Training |
New Directions in Distance Education and Training |
Focus on technological tools for training and education. Training activities at CEWES still handled by John Eberle & Wayne Mastin |
Technology tracking, trip reports, technology bulletins, etc. as appropriate |
Regular reporting & review briefings |
Involvement in program-wide Training Group meetings & activities |
Support for distance training activities (build on successful Yr 3 Focused Effort)
Can install LecCorder system at CEWES
Builds on highly successful efforts during Years 2 and 3 (four courses delivered!) |
In Year 4 extend in several ways
Tango and WebWisdom currently handles relatively "low-end" media (HTML, PowerPoint). Common in academics, especially for rapidly changing areas |
Many areas are better developed pedagogically, and could take advantage of more sophisticated ("flashy") materials (ie embedded applets, Macromedia Authorware...) |
Develop higher-level course materials in basic parallel computing. Based on existing NPAC courseware (during summer'99) |
Work with Mississippi State U to develop high-level materials in CFD (spring'00) |
Support for glossaries and interactive quizzes |
Support for embedded Javabeans and Java applets |
Support for high-end authoring tools, such as Macromedia Authorware |
Plan to leverage support from other centers to broaden high-end support |
Summer'99 -- JSU workshop on distance ed. |
Fall'99 -- prototype parallel computing mat'l delivered to JSU & others as academic class. (Feedback used to improve materials) |
Spring'00 -- final version of parallel computing mat'l delivered as dist. training for CEWES MSRC users & others |
Spring'00 -- Syracuse CPS616 offered to JSU and others (repeat of Spring'99 "gift") |
CD-ROM w/ courseware |
Core Support: Collaboration/Communications |
Collaborative Computing Environments (Web Interfaces) |
Technology tracking, trip reports, technology bulletins, etc. as appropriate |
Regular reporting & review briefings |
Training: Tango "Open House" and Tutorial |
Assessment of asynchronous collaboration tools and their possible roles within the CEWES MSRC and PET organizations |
Enhanced security |
Meeting support
Out-of-browser Tango (prototyped already)
A collaborative framework like Tango can also be used to "share" HPC applications in addition to the familiar tools |
Shared HPC applications can be useful in education, collaborative research, etc. |
"Collaboratization" is application-specific, but principles are general |
We plan to "collaboratize" two applications as demos & document approach for others to follow |
Core Support: Forces Modeling and Simulation/C4I |
Parallel CMS |
HLA Integration for HPC Applications, Applied to CMS |
"Technology Convergence Roadmap" still on track |
Rapid evolution in both DoD M&S and web/commodity computing worlds -- tracking changes very important |
Basic FMS training materials will be developed in a various formats (web-based training very important to FMS CHSSI) |
Reports, reviews, scientific papers, etc. |
Comprehensive Mine Simulator (Ft. Belvoir)
CMS work also supported by ARL
CMS is strongly object-oriented (as is much modern FMS code) |
Current OO structure at odds with better scalability. Need to restructure inner loops and some data storage & data distribution |
Following proposal will use shared-memory parallel CMS as elements in larger distributed simulation |
HLA is DoD mandated way of connecting M&S applications
Builds on CEWES and ARL supported work on "webHLA"
Uses WebHLA to provide HLA-based metacomputing environment capable of coupling HPC applications on different computers into single simulation |
With parallel CMS and previously developed visualization tools, will be able to demonstrate large-scale distributed minefield simulation |
Same tools/techniques for other HPC apps which need HLA integration |
Web Interfaces for Computational Modules |
A Problem Solving Environment (PSE) for CWO Modeling Systems (joint project with OSU and OSC, presented by OSU) |
Use commodity/standard software tools to develop a system to make easier...
Some of above possible with Java & CGI but cumbersome and hard to generalize |
Java, CORBA & WebFlow better approach |
Follow-on to Year 3 effort
In Year 4 expand to other CTAs and other types of HPC applications to broaden |
Synergistic with new ASC "Gateway" project (NPAC, OSC, Nichols). There NPAC focus is on "middleware", here on supporting applications and CTAs |
Implement basic WebFlow infrastructure at CEWES, including security enhancements from ASC Gateway |
Plan is to work with 2-3 CTA applications |
Design and implement API to allow applications to interface with WebFlow services
Forces Modeling and Simulation/C4I
Collaboration and Communications
Emergent Technologies for HPC Migration and Productivity