Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 22 2000

Foil 13 The Computational Complexity of DIF FFT

From Parallel FFT and use in PDE Solvers Computational Science Class CPS615 -- Winter Semester 2000. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 We can now apply the same idea recursively; chop off the lowest binary digit of k so as to derive a formula for each FFT in terms of two more half the size.
2 Let C(N) be computational complexity of the FFT of size N
3 Let Tbutterfly = 2T+ + T* be the time to calculate fE and fO for one value of m-
4 Here T+ is time for a complex addition and T* the time for a complex multiplication.
5 We assume that complex number TN(m-) has been precalculated and is available by table lookup
6 Then C(N) = 2C(N/2) + (N/2) Tbutterfly
7 This can be solved as C(N) = NlogNTbutterfly/2

in Table To:

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