Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 20 February 00

Foil 13 More Features of Current HPCC III

From Introduction to Computational Science CPS615 Computational Science Class -- Spring Semester 2000. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Software ideas are "sound" but not very easy to use as so far nobody has found a precise way of expressing parallelism in a way that combines:
  • Users think is natural for problem
  • Compilers or other tools can easily interpret
  • Applies to a range of problems
  • Curiously it is "easy" to find good "qualitative" ways of seeing why parallelism "obvious" etc.
2 Integration of Simulation and Data is of growing importance
  • Internet technologies good at such integration but don't help parallelization
  • "Computational Grids" or Metacomputing focus on such integration
3 Problem Solving Environments help bring all components of a problem area into a single interface and
  • Help one access multiple available hosts but
  • again don't directly address parallelism (or more precisely decomposition)

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