Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS615 Computational Science on Spring Semester 2000. Foils prepared 13 February 2000
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Summary of Material
We give a simple overview of parallel architectures today with distributed, shared or distributed shared memory |
We describe classes of parallel applications illustrating some key features such as load balancing and communication |
We describe programming models and how their features match applications |
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Summary of Material
Spring Semester 2000 |
Geoffrey Fox |
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center |
Syracuse University |
111 College Place |
Syracuse NY | | |
We give a simple overview of parallel architectures today with distributed, shared or distributed shared memory |
We describe classes of parallel applications illustrating some key features such as load balancing and communication |
We describe programming models and how their features match applications |
Find what machine or class of Machines you have available |
Examine parallelism seemingly available in your application (algorithm) and decide on mechanism needed to exploit it.
Decide on and use programming model (HPF, MPI, Threads, openMP) and explicit realization of it
Worry about related issues
Evaluate possible tools
So imagine the world's simplest problem |
Find the electrostatic potential inside a box whose sides are at a given potential |
Set up a 16 by 16 Grid on which potential defined and which must satisfy Laplace's Equation |
Initialize the internal 14 by 14 grid to anything you like and then apply for ever! |
? New = (? Left + ? Right + ? Up + ? Down ) / 4 |
14 by 14 Internal Grid |
If one has 16 processors, then decompose geometrical area into 16 equal parts |
Each Processor updates 9 12 or 16 grid points independently |
Updating edge points in any processor requires communication of values from neighboring processor |
For instance, the processor holding green points requires red points |
A parallel computer is any old collection of processing elements that cooperate to solve large problems fast
Some broad issues:
Parallel computers allow several CPUs to contribute to a computation simultaneously. |
For our purposes, a parallel computer has three types of parts:
Key points:
Colors Used in Following pictures |
Every processor has a memory others can't access. |
On distributed memory machines, each chunk of decomposed data resides on separate memory space -- a processor is typically responsible for storing and processing data (owner-computes rule) |
Information needed on edges for update must be communicated via explicitly generated messages |
Messages |
Conceptually, the nCUBE CM-5 Paragon SP-2 Beowulf PC cluster are quite similar.
To program these machines:
All processors access the same memory. |
On a shared Memory Machine a CPU is responsible for processing a decomposed chunk of data but not for storing it |
Nature of parallelism is identical to that for distributed memory machines but communication implicit as "just" access memory |
Interconnection network shown here is actually for the BBN Butterfly, but C-90 is in the same spirit. |
These machines share data by direct access.
Combining the (dis)advantages of shared and distributed memory |
Lots of hierarchical designs are appearing.
Distributed Shared Memory machines have communication features of both distributed (messages) and shared (memory access) architectures |
Note for distributed memory, programming model must express data location (HPF Distribute command) and invocation of messages (MPI syntax) |
For shared memory, need to express control (openMP) or processing parallelism and synchronization -- need to make certain that when variable updated, "correct" version is used by other processors accessing this variable and that values living in caches are updated |
4 by 4 regions in each processor
8 by 8 regions in each processor
Communication is an edge effect |
Give each processor plenty of memory and increase region in each machine |
Large Problems Parallelize Best |
This is (sophisticated) wave equation similar to Laplace example and you divide Los Angeles geometrically and assign roughly equal number of grid points to each processor |
The Laplace grid points become finite element mesh nodal points arranged as triangles filling space |
All the action (triangles) is near near wing boundary |
Use domain decomposition but no longer equal area as equal triangle count |
Simulation of cosmological cluster (say 10 million stars ) |
Lots of work per star as very close together ( may need smaller time step) |
Little work per star as force changes slowly and can be well approximated by low order multipole expansion |
Particle dynamics of this type (irregular with sophisticated force calculations) always need complicated decompositions |
Equal area decompositions as shown here to load imbalance |
Equal Volume Decomposition Universe Simulation |
Galaxy or Star or ... |
16 Processors |
If use simpler algorithms (full O(N2) forces) or FFT, then equal area best |
Consider a geometric problem with 4 processors |
In top decomposition, we divide domain into 4 blocks with all points in a given block contiguous |
In bottom decomposition we give each processor the same amount of work but divided into 4 separate domains |
edge/area(bottom) = 2* edge/area(top) |
So minimizing communication implies we keep points in a given processor together |
But this has a flip side. Suppose we are decomposing Seismic wave problem and all the action is near a particular earthquake fault denoted by . |
In Top decomposition only the white processor does any work while the other 3 sit idle.
In Bottom decomposition all the processors do roughly the same work and so we get good load balance ...... |
Here is a cracked plate and calculating stresses with an equal area decomposition leads to terrible results
Concentrating processors near crack leads to good workload balance |
equal nodal point -- not equal area -- but to minimize communication nodal points assigned to a particular processor are contiguous |
This is NP complete (exponenially hard) optimization problem but in practice many ways of getting good but not exact good decompositions |
Region assigned to 1 processor |
Work Load |
Not Perfect ! |
Not all decompositions are quite the same |
In defending against missile attacks, you track each missile on a separate node -- geometric again |
In playing chess, you decompose chess tree -- an abstract not geometric space |
Computer Chess Tree |
Current Position (node in Tree) First Set Moves Opponents Counter Moves |
California gets its independence |
A parallel algorithm is a collection of tasks and a partial ordering between them. |
Design goals:
Sources of parallelism:
Data-parallel algorithms exploit the parallelism inherent in many large data structures.
Features of Data Parallelism
Note data-parallel algorithms can be expressed by ALL programming models (Message Passing, HPF like, openMP like) |
Functional parallelism exploits the parallelism between the parts of many systems.
Many applications are what is called (essentially) embarrassingly or more kindly pleasingly parallel |
These are made up of independent concurrent components
In contrast points in a finite difference grid (from a differential equation) canNOT be updated independently |
Such problems are often formally data-parallel but can be handled much more easily -- like functional parallelism |
A parallel language provides an executable notation for implementing a parallel algorithm. |
Design criteria:
Usually a language reflects a particular style of expressing parallelism. |
Data parallel expresses concept of identical algorithm on different parts of array |
Message parallel expresses fact that at low level parallelism implies information is passed between different concurrently executing program parts |
Data-parallel languages provide an abstract, machine-independent model of parallelism.
Examples: HPF, C*, HPC++ |
Originated on SIMD machines where parallel operations are in lock-step but generalized (not so successfully as compilers too hard) to MIMD |
Program is based on typically coarse-grain tasks |
Separate address space and a processor number for each task |
Data shared by explicit messages
Examples: MPI, PVM, Occam for parallel computing |
Universal model for distributed computing to link naturally decomposed parts e.g. HTTP, RMI, IIOP etc. are all message passing
Experts in Java are familiar with this as it is built in Java Language through thread primitives |
We take "ordinary" languages such as Fortran, C++, Java and add constructs to help compilers divide processing (automatically) into separate threads
openMP is a recent set of compiler directives supporting this model |
This model tends to be inefficient on distributed memory machines as optimizations (data layout, communication blocking etc.) not natural |
Applications are metaproblems with a mix of module (aka coarse grain functional) and data parallelism |
Modules are decomposed into parts (data parallelism) and composed hierarchically into full applications.They can be the
Modules are "natural" message-parallel components of problem and tend to have less stringent latency and bandwidth requirements than those needed to link data-parallel components
Assume that primary goal of metacomputing system is to add to existing parallel computing environments, a higher level supporting module parallelism
Use Java/Distributed Object Technology for modules -- note Java to growing extent used to write servers for CORBA and COM object systems |
We have multiple supercomputers in the backend -- one doing CFD simulation of airflow; another structural analysis while in more detail you have linear algebra servers (Netsolve); Optimization servers (NEOS); image processing filters(Khoros);databases (NCSA Biology workbench); visualization systems(AVS, CAVEs)
All linked to collaborative information systems in a sea of middle tier servers(as on previous page) to support design, crisis management, multi-disciplinary research |
Database |
Matrix Solver |
Optimization Service |
Parallel DB Proxy |
NEOS Control Optimization |
Origin 2000 Proxy |
NetSolve Linear Alg. Server |
IBM SP2 Proxy |
Gateway Control |
Agent-based Choice of Compute Engine |
Multidisciplinary Control (WebFlow) |
Data Analysis Server |
The Java Language has several good design features
Java has a very good set of libraries covering everything from commerce, multimedia, images to math functions (under development at |
Java has best available electronic and paper training and support resources |
Java is rapidly getting best integrated program development environments |
Java naturally integrated with network and universal machine supports powerful "write once-run anywhere" model |
There is a large and growing trained labor force |
Can we exploit this in computational science? |
Use of Java for: |
High Performance Network Computing |
Scientific and Engineering Computation |
(Distributed) Modeling and Simulation |
Parallel and Distributed Computing |
Data Intensive Computing |
Communication and Computing Intensive Commercial and Academic Applications |
HPCC Computational Grids ........ |
Very difficult to find a "conventional name" that doesn't get misunderstood by some community! |
The Web integration of Java gives it excellent "network" classes and support for message passing. |
Thus "Java plus message passing" form of parallel computing is actually somewhat easier than in Fortran or C. |
Coarse grain parallelism very natural in Java |
"Data Parallel" languages features are NOT in Java and have to be added (as a translator) of NPAC's HPJava to Java+Messaging just as HPF translates to Fortran plus message passing |
Java has built in "threads" and a given Java Program can run multiple threads at a time
Can be used to do more general parallel computing but only on shared memory computers
Combine threads on a shared memory machine with message passing between distinct distributed memories |
"Distributed" or "Virtual" Shared memory does support the JavaVM as hardware gives illusion of shared memory to JavaVM |
Message Passing |
Message Passing |
So here is a recipe for developing HPCC (parallel) applications as of January 2000 |
Use MPI for data parallel distributed memory programs as alternatives are HPF, HPC++ or parallelizing compilers today
Use openMP or MPI on shared (distributed shared) memory machines
Pleasingly Parallel problems can use MPI or web/metacomputing technology |
We don't emphasize openMP in class, as hard work (aka difficult programming model) of MPI is advantageous for class as teaches you parallel computing! |
Today Java can be used for client side applets and in systems middleware but too slow for production scientific code
Use metacomputers for pleasingly parallel and metaproblems -- not for closely knit problems with tight synchronization between parts |
Use where possible web and distributed object technology for "coordination" |