Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 19 99

Foil 11 EJB Technology Features

From Enterprise Javabeans Basic Information Track Computational Science Course CPS616 -- Spring Semester 1999. by Nancy McCracken

1 Many behaviors can be specified in the Deployment Descriptor object of each container.
2 Transaction management properties: no longer write transaction demarcation in the code - container will implicitly use one of six transaction rules.
  • EJB spec suggests, but not requires, you to use Java Transaction Service (JTS) API, the Java binding of the CORBA Object Transaction Service.
3 Security: security rules for each bean are defined in a set of AccessControlEntry objects within the deployment descriptor.
  • Defines a list of users allowed to access each method
  • Or the user may choose to manage their own security programmatically with the package.
4 A bean may be moved to any EJB server (for example, for performance reasons).

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