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Given by Geoffrey Fox, Nancy McCracken, Wojtek Furmanski at Basic Information Track Computational Science Course CPS616 on Spring Semester 1999. Foils prepared May 19 99

General Issues -- why Java Beans are important
Some example JavaBeans
Detailed Technologies of JavaBeans (These include some generic JDK1.1 topics and some which are JavaBean.)
  • Properties -- setting and inspecting parameters
  • Object Serialization (JDK1.1) -- jar files, saving JavaBeans
  • Persistence -- Saved JavaBeans become object oriented database
  • Reflection (JDK1.1) -- find out class structure
  • BeanInfo -- general Bean Information
  • Custom Editors -- Bean Specific Editors
  • Event Model (JDK1.1) is same as for AWT
  • Linkage of Beans using event model
Distributed JavaBeans for web computing and information systems

Table of Contents for Javabeans

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1 JavaBeans
2 Abstract of JavaBeanPresentation
JavaBeans Resources for Foil 3 3 Some Suggested JavaBean References
4 What are JavaBeans?
5 JavaBeans Features
6 Component Programming with Java Beans
7 Parts of the JavaBean Brew
8 Using Java Beans
9 JavaBean Communication and Event Model
10 JavaBean Communication Model II
11 Our first example of Writing a Bean: HelloBean!
12 The rest of the HelloBean example
13 How to run the example in the BeanBox
14 Test with the BeanBox
15 Using the Bean
Suns tutorial on JAR files 16 What is JAR?
17 What is a JAR file ?
18 Using the BeanBox to Link Beans via Events
19 The Juggler Bean
20 Example Listener File
21 Detailed Techologies used in writing Java Beans
22 More Details on Writing JavaBeans
23 Method design patterns for Simple Properties
24 Indexed Properties
JellyBean, an example with bound and constrained properties 25 Bound Properties and Event Design Patterns
26 Making a Property Change Event
TextEditor, a bean example with bound properties, property changes, and BeanInfo. 27 Using Bound Properties
JellyBean, an example with bound and constrained properties 28 Constrained Properties
29 Updating a Constrained Property Value
30 Persistence and Serialization
31 Serializing Object Graphs
32 Serialization - I
33 Serialization Externalization II
Suns tutorial on Reflection 34 Reflection and Introspection
35 The Reflection API
TextEditor, a bean example with bound properties, property changes, and BeanInfo. 36 BeanInfo
37 BeanInfo Interface Methods
38 BeanInfo details
HotSpots, bean example showing property editors 39 Property Editors
40 Property Editor Customizers
41 Distributed JavaBeans for web computing and information systems
42 JavaBean Mechanisms for Interoperating with Remote Objects
43 Linking CORBA with JavaBeans
44 Towards Enterprise JavaBeans
45 Towards Enterprise Java Beans
46 Picture of JavaBean and JDK1.1 AWT Event Model
47 ComponentWare Linkage Model
48 JavaBean and JDK1.1 AWT Event Model
49 Registration and Callback
50 Discussion of Event Linkage Model for Message Passing between Modules
51 DataFlow in JavaBeans

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