Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Second DATORR Meeting Sandia National Laboratory on February 15-16 1999. Foils prepared February 20 1999
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Second Meeting of DATORR Group |
Desktop Access to Remote Resources |
This Presentation contains Motivating and Overview Remarks at Start of Meeting |
Followed by Summary of Working Group on Remote Resources |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
An International HPCC/HPCN Community Activity to establish Interoperability Standards |
Second Working Group Meeting Sandia February 15,16 99 | | |
Thanks to Sandia -- Judy Beiriger, ... |
and to Argonne -- Gregor von Laszewski |
This presentation consists of two merged documents |
Firstly the overview given at start of meeting and |
Secondly the material prepared during discussion and wrap up of "Remote Resources" working group |
Very many machines, platforms, Operating Systems |
Though a good/necessary thing, using them in changing environment becomes difficult for users. |
Datorr will help metacomputing but goals are focussed on a subset of issues and aimed at establishing interoperability standards -- reference implementations may follow but are not direct goal |
Seamless Interface |
Database1 |
Database2 |
User View |
System View |
2 working groups at |
last meeting |
3rd working groups was |
a particular service -- security |
Which submit "tasks" to: |
Remote Resources in multi-tier systems
We are roughly defining properties and methods of those distributed objects associated with computing services -- these include jobs and resources |
This could lead to CORBA facilities or Java frameworks for computing services which was motivation for interest by Java Grande Forum at |
At a recent meeting at Argonne organized by NCSA Alliance, Datorr appeared to be very relevant to building reusable "Problem Solving Environment" tools a.k.a. components for domain specific "workbenchs" |
Identification and documentation of existing relevant projects |
Set of meetings leading to agreement on common standards |
International community input such as SC98 BoF |
Preliminary documents (on web) leading to (draft) final proposed standards
Selected community projects e.g. reference implementations |
What is the current state?
Where do we have to expand/focus? |
Most importantly workshop participants agreed that it was indeed useful to define common interoperable interfaces |
Mailing List | |
Proceedings of first workshop available |
32 (15 more to add!) Existing Projects surveyed covering metacomputing, distributed scheduling, seamless interface, particular tools and technologies in areas such as resource management/monitoring/collaboration/security
| | | |
First we should have an update from nifty projects which were not discussed at the first meeting |
Then we should break into working groups in areas which aren't too controversial so we lay a solid foundation for future Datorr activities |
Suggested topics:
Globus |
Condor |
Legion |
Netsolve, Ninf |
GRD (Genias/Raytheon) |
NOW Millenium (UCB) |
Ninja (as services) |
Jini |
DoD Gateway, DRM (in planning phase) |
Dutch ASCI (Bal) |
Harness |
TOP500 and other Linpack registration and publication services |
PetaSIM and other performance estimators (Jim Browne, Warwick, Saltz at Maryland) |
CPUs |
System Architecture |
Databases |
Software -- libraries, licenses, applications, versions |
Network QoS, Bandwidth |
Visualization |
Memory |
Event Handlers |
Peripherals such as instruments |
Printers |
Cost: Money (accounting) and User Pleasure |
Extensibility |
Resource management (temporal versus spatial)
Services imply resources and vice versa |
Queue Length depends on dynamic issues
Express user needs, preferences, bank balance |
Language to compose resources into constraints etc.
Look up and discovery |
Security characteristics are difficult to express |
How to express standard?
Separate control path (discover resource) from data path (how you use) |
Standard should specify nature of API |
So access method is part of resource definition
High Level Principles?
Hierarchical definitions |
is user's bank balance a resource? |
A Legion is a resource
Note Globus could refuse to let you ask what machines where in its resource pool |
What is architecture of a resource
Sometimes discovery is trivial -- you remember your money is stored under your bed etc. |
What resources will the real world define
What is on our list
Discovery is not performance critical -- can use standards even if non optimal |
How does one query resource list |
Need both required and optional arguments |
Should document why certain things are there e.g. maybe some fields only there for some special computers |
Look into relationships with MIME types |
A given resource will have multiple XML descriptions depending on type of query
So need to specify types of query to define what one needs to define a resource |
Grand Challenge in XML is (courtesy of NPACI/UCB) distinguish Tera T90 old SP new SP, cluster of PC's WS's |
Ninja's list of interesting resources is broader but less detailed than Datorr |
Do we support multiple network interface cards reflecting different uses of system |
Identify successes and failures of previous systems |
A unifying concept is which web site will support registration , lookup and display of world's compute resources
Scope of is "computing" as the commodity market is not addressing
| appears a more modern "better" model than Globus Legion etc.
We should build into the initial prototype a "generic" or "simple" interface which is a low level API by which remote resource returns to (perhaps in system dependent XML which could be later standardized) status information |
We should build an elegant web display of the information returned by the "generic" interface |
What is the subset? One suggestion is
After we decided that this is too hard -- do this later |
As part of this discussion, we discussed issues such as:
What is query mechanism?
Goal: Need XML definition of resources according to previous principles |
Choose a subset -- implement quickly e.g. one month |
Test or evaluate it (also a month)
Iterate process extending subset to other resources |
DATORR 1.0 at SC99 does not preclude DATORR 1.1 etc. later (i.e. must be extensible) |
SC99 demo of its use at should include task definition (the other working group) |
Specify a given collection of computers: subset of
include multiprocessor nodes (include digital SMP's) and node linkage |
Query XML database for "linpack" performance |
Must build on the XML base infrastructure supporting extensibility, multiple views, hierarchy |
Registration service to add resources to comes together with lookup service |
Identify "people" with responsibilities
An important initial activity is building XML base infrastructure supporting extensibility, multiple views, hierarchy |
What other projects teach us
XML Architecture
| design principles
| hosting and implementation
Project Description
XML specifications of prototype (Around April 1 start)
Testing and Evaluation of both XML and Website (also April 1)
Study and implementation of "generic" datorr interface and its "managerial level" web display (later than April 1)
Access method, security, scheduling including current load |
storage, database an other non compute resources |
Access mechanism as opposed to lookup/registration mechanism |
Full range of services
Legion Globus Condor ... use |
Download interface to remote resource with query |
Legion Globus etc. supply different interfaces to given remote resources |
Use of "generic" interface to get machine status by working scientists |