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Distance Education and its Technology

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Chautauqua Albuquerque New Mexico on 9 August 99. Foils prepared 16 August 99

We describe the technology components that are needed to support distance education and training
  • We describe integration of asynchronous and synchronous/interactive learning
  • We describe role of databases, Java Applets and different authoring packages
  • We describe Role of Tango as delivery vehicle of a model of Web-based Education and Training
This model will succeed because it will provide more cost effective and higher quality learning environments
Greater use of emerging standards such as XML will improve situation

Table of Contents for Distance Education and its Technology

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1 Distance Education and its Technology
2 Abstract of Distance Education Technology
3 Challenge and Opportunity in Education and Training
4 Why use Distance Education and Training?
5 Traditional Model of Instruction
6 Better Model of Instruction
7 Courses at Jackson State
8 Architecture of Tango Distance Education
9 The Ingredients of Web Based Education
10 Role of Collaborative Objects in Education
11 Collaborative Web Page in Tango
12 Universal Shared Object Strategy
13 Shared Form Illustrated by Shared Access to NCSA Biology Workbench showing how general server objects can be shared from web interface
14 Learning and Teaching the Curricula I
15 Learning and Teaching the Curricula II
16 What do Collaborative Systems Provide?
17 So What Do You Do -- I?
18 So What Do You Do -- II?
19 Design and Architecture of Curricula Material
20 4 Approaches to Authoring of Back End Resource I
21 4 Approaches to Authoring of Back End Resource II
22 Shared Simulations -- Fluid Flow and Planetary Motion
23 Managing the Curricula I
24 Managing the Curricula II
25 LecCorder Lecture Recorder
26 WebWisdomDB Web linked Database
27 Current NPAC Grading Database used to register Syracuse and Online Courses
28 What is Universal Access / Cross Disability Rendering?
29 Distance Education Technology Outlook ?
30 Components of Technology Cauldron
31 New Enterprise Models for Universities?
32 Where are we in Distance Education?

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