1 | This we define as a group of defined formats that support scientific data, note taking and sketches |
2 | XSIL (Scientific data Interchange) from Caltech defines metadata needed to specify scientific data files including high level parameters and methods needed to read data |
3 | VML is Vector Graphics Mark up Language |
4 | DrawML is designed to support simple technical drawings (easier than VML but VML should be able to do this?) |
5 | VRML (3D scenes) reimplemented in XML as X3D |
6 | MathML Mathematical Expressions |
7 | ChemML Support Chemistry |
8 | Above exist already but each field needs to get to work on: |
9 | technicalfieldML Supports special needs of each discipline technicalfield (e.g. botanyML supports plants, ChemML molecules etc.) |