Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 10 October 99

Foil 25 Another Example of SPDL: Define User Roles

From Uses of XML in Distance and Distributed Learning FSU Workshop on Symbolic Notations on the Web -- 8 October 99. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 <roles>
2 <object_roles name="viewer">
  • <role_item name="creator" mode="static" >
  • <user_group>syracuse</user_group>
  • </role_item>
  • <role_item name="observer" mode="static" >
  • <user_group>boston</user_group>
  • <user_group>washington</user_group>
  • </role_item>
3 </object_roles>
4 </roles>
5 The fragment of the SPDL document on this page defines the roles for the users of the shared object: in particular we illustrate with the roles creator and observer.

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