Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 1 99

Foil 34 Java Features -- It's Multithreaded

From Introduction to Java Language and Applets CPS406/606 Fall Semester 1999 -- September 2 99. by Nancy J. McCracken, Geoffrey C. Fox

Java model offers preemptive multithreading, implemented in terms of the Thread class. Thread methods offer a set of synchronization primitives based on monitor and conditional variable paradigm by C.A.R. Hoare. Java threads inherit some features from the pioneering Cedar/Mesa System by Xerox Park that gave birth to Macintosh and object-oriented programming.
A typical use of Java multithreading in applet programming is to have several independent but related simulations (e.g. various sorting algorithms), running concurrently in an applet window. Multithreading is also used internally by the browser to handle multiple document dynamics.
Another interesting application domain are multi-HotJava environments to come such as collaboratory or gaming.
Java threads don't have built-in point-to-point communication primitives. Various thread communication environments can be provided by coupling the thread and network protocol objects.

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