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Basic foilset Java Grande Forum Overview Issues

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Forum Overview Remarks at ACM Java Grande Meeting on June 13 99. Foils prepared July 6 99
Outside Index Summary of Material

Overall Goals and Activities
Some events of Note

Table of Contents for full HTML of Java Grande Forum Overview Issues

Denote Foils where HTML is sufficient

1 Java Grande Forum Issues and Activities
2 What is Java Grande?
3 What is Goal of Java Grande Forum?
4 Near Term Events
5 Forum Activities
6 Coming Events

Outside Index Summary of Material

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared July 6 99

Foil 1 Java Grande Forum Issues and Activities

From Java Grande Forum Overview Issues Forum Overview Remarks at ACM Java Grande Meeting -- June 13 99. *
Full HTML Index
ACM Java Grande Meeting June 13 99
Geoffrey Fox
Syracuse University

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared July 6 99

Foil 2 What is Java Grande?

From Java Grande Forum Overview Issues Forum Overview Remarks at ACM Java Grande Meeting -- June 13 99. *
Full HTML Index
Use of Java for:
High Performance Network Computing
Scientific and Engineering Computation
(Distributed) Modeling and Simulation
Parallel and Distributed Computing
Data Intensive Computing
Communication and Computing Intensive Commercial and Academic Applications
HPCC Computational Grids ........
Very difficult to find a "conventional name" that doesn't get misunderstood by some community!

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared July 6 99

Foil 3 What is Goal of Java Grande Forum?

From Java Grande Forum Overview Issues Forum Overview Remarks at ACM Java Grande Meeting -- June 13 99. *
Full HTML Index
Java has potential to be a better environment for "Grande application development" than any previous languages such as Fortran and C++
The Forum Goal is to develop community consensus and recommendations for either changes to Java or establishment of standards (frameworks) for "Grande" libraries and services
These Language changes or frameworks are designed to realize "best ever Grande programming environment"
Activities involve "Working with Outside Community" (e.g. Floating Point Rules and RMI)
  • and "Working Internally to Grande Community" (e.g. scientific library frameworks)

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared July 6 99

Foil 4 Near Term Events

From Java Grande Forum Overview Issues Forum Overview Remarks at ACM Java Grande Meeting -- June 13 99. *
Full HTML Index
Sunday/Monday: Meeting of Benchmark (6.30 to 9.30), Numerics (8.30 to 12.30) and MPI (1.30 to 6 pm) groups
Monday: 5 Tutorials
Tuesday-->Friday: Java Grande Demonstration station in Sun Booth at JavaOne
Wednesday Java Grande BOF at JavaOne
Wednesday--Friday Grid Forum Meeting at NASA Ames
Send presentations to doug.macdonald@east.sun.com

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared July 6 99

Foil 5 Forum Activities

From Java Grande Forum Overview Issues Forum Overview Remarks at ACM Java Grande Meeting -- June 13 99. *
Full HTML Index
Numerics Boisvert/Pozo
  • Floating Point
  • Scientific Libraries
Concurrency and Applications Gannon/Caromel
  • Java MPI
  • Computing (Science) Portal Framework
  • Benchmarking
  • RMI Performance
New Areas
  • Server Performance
  • Jini as infrastructure for "Computational Grids"

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared July 6 99

Foil 6 Coming Events

From Java Grande Forum Overview Issues Forum Overview Remarks at ACM Java Grande Meeting -- June 13 99. *
Full HTML Index
ACM Java Grande Conference '00 March to June '00 (? Stanford, San Francisco, UC Berkeley)
SC99 November '99 "Presence"
  • Note SC98 had a 3 hour panel which we are not repeating but rather we have a 90 minute segment
ISCOPE '99 December 99 has strong Grande C++ and growing Java constituency. Could collocate Forum activity

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