Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 30 March 99

Foil 19 What is Universal Acccess / Cross Disability Rendering?

From Object Models:Computing - Web Based Education and Training - Collaboration Seminar at Los Alamos -- 31 March 99. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 This implies choosing a rendering method that best suits client user and respects
  • Any hardware constraints -- network bandwidth or screen resolution or client performance
  • Any sensory or physical limitations of user
2 e.g. Visually impaired would prefer audio rich rendering
3 e.g. Muscularly limited users would need appropriate interfaces
4 New Cascading Style Sheets can express this but need intelligent renderer to make correct decision and allow user to adjust choices
5 Further one needs decision at the stage of XML input and not after it has already been rendered into HTML
  • HTML expresses "meaning of document" by positioning and other means which are in general impossible to recognize and render in a cross disability fashion
6 Assume goal is equal and high quality rendering -- do not downgrade material to support cross disability rendering

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