Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 30 March 99

Foil 14 DoD Modernization Gateway Project

From Object Models:Computing - Web Based Education and Training - Collaboration Seminar at Los Alamos -- 31 March 99. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Client Tier
  • Multiple Problem Solving Environments (PSE)
  • Creates User Friendly, "Point & Click" Environment for HPC Resources
  • Offers Batch Submission, Data Visualization, Problem Solving Strategies
  • Accommodates Multidisciplinary Computational Solutions
Middle Tier
  • Utilizes Commodity Hardware and Software (Java, Corba, Globus, etc)
  • Seamless Interface Between User's Desktop and HPC Resources
Back-end Tier
  • Computing Resources: Supercomputers, Metacomputing, Workstation Clusters
  • Databases
  • Mass Storage Systems

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Page produced by wwwfoil on Sat Apr 3 1999