Basic HTML version of Foils prepared August 21 1999

Foil 93 WebHLA Application: Parallel => Metacomputing CMS

From Overview of PET and CHSSI FMS (Forces Modeling and Simulation) ASC MSRC FMS Day Meeting Dayton Ohio -- July 29 1999. by Wojtek Furmanski

1 This project is collaboration between NPAC and Ft. Belvoir, VA, sponsored by DoD HPCMO.
2 CMS (Comprehensive Mine Simulator) cooperates with ModSAF vehicles and is used by Ft. Belvoir for countermine R&D.
3 NPAC developed Parallel CMS for Origin2000, to be followed by WebHLA based Metacomputing CMS (on a distributed meta-cluster of HPC systems)
4 Korea, Kuweit military operations used minefields of 1M+ mines - HPC is needed to simulate such systems

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