Basic HTML version of Foils prepared August 21 1999

Foil 96 Parallel => Metacomputing CMS: Milestones and Current Status

From Overview of PET and CHSSI FMS (Forces Modeling and Simulation) ASC MSRC FMS Day Meeting Dayton Ohio -- July 29 1999. by Wojtek Furmanski

WebHLA app, builds on JWORB/OWRTI Middleware
Includes Parallel CMS module as HPC Federate
Includes ModSAF, SimVis, Playback etc. Federates
Early WebHLA demos (Jager) - Summer 98
Early Parallel CMS Demo at SC'98, Fall 98
Mobile laptop demo (event playback) - Feb `99
HLA conversion of all modules (CMS, ModSAF) - March `99
Multi-MSRC Metacomputing demos - work in progress
Final goal: Scalability up to 1M+ mine objects (by 2000)

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