Basic HTML version of Foils prepared August 21 99

Foil 18 What does SPDL Document Define

From Overview of Shared Places on the Web XML Developers Conference Montreal -- August 19-20 1999. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Lukasz Beca, Marek Podgorny

1 Collaboration functionality:
2 Session management: Defines how the Shared Objects initiate or join collaborative sessions
3 Synchronization: Describes mechanisms for assuring the consistence of data observed by collaborating users
4 Control mechanisms: Defines how the behavior of Shared Objects can be controlled and how the state of the collaboration session can be accessed
5 Shared Object data:
6 Initial state: Defines how the Shared Object are initialized when they start running
7 Persistence: Describes whether and how the content of the collaborative session is stored
8 Content: Describes the data to be processed by Shared Objects during collaboration session

in Table To:

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