Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 19 99

Foil 18 MAIL

From NPAC Computer and Network Capabilities Tango Group Internal Technology Seminars -- Spring 99. by Roman Markowski

  • Sun Ultra-2 2x200 MHz UltraSPARC processors, Solaris 2.6, 512 MB RAM
  • sendmail 8.9.3, port 25/TCP
  • antyspam mechanism enabled
  • NFS /var/spool/mail - not recommended
  • POP3, port 110/TCP (Qualcomms qpopper 2.53)
  • IMAP4, port 143/TCP (Uni of Washington + pine 4.05)
  • majordomo, ver 1.94.4 for mailing lists
  • Clients: netscape, outlook express, pine, mh, eudora

in Table To:

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