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Synchronous Education between Michigan and San Diego

Given by Ilya Zaslavsky at Federal Web Consortium Meeting at NPACI All Hands Meeting San Diego on Jan 27 1999. Foils prepared Jan 31 1999

This is one of a set of presentations for a meeting before NPACI All Hands Meeting arranged for Federal Web Consortium
This talk describes Ilya Zaslavsky's Experiences

Table of Contents for Synchronous Education between Michigan and San Diego

001 FedCon Alliance/NPACI Meeting
002 Organization of the Distance Learning System (SDSU - WMU, 
    Geography 567 & 569, 1997-98)
003 A Typical Lecture Snapshot
004 Student Assessment
005 Lessons Learned and Useful Strategies
006 Lessons Learned and Useful Strategies (2)
007 The Team and Support  Relevant URLs

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