Draft Whitepaper for project: Internetics Enabling Physics and Engineering Education and Outreach
Background from January 18 Meeting
Presentation by G. Fox on Basic Strategy and Overview: http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/physedinitjan99/
Presentation by G. Vidali on Use of Information Technology in Teaching Science to Non-Science Majors http://physics.syr.edu/courses/Vidali/CCDJ99/
Presentation by E. Lipson on Science for 21st Century and MRA Activity
Role of Information Technology in Science Education summarized by Vidali
Experimental Interactive Module to be developed by Experimental High Energy Physics Group
Presentation by Levy on Virtual Laboratory for Mechanics Education
Presentation by Higuchi on Fluid Flow education using Java (as part of NSF MRA) and Macromedia CDROM technology.
Presentation by E. Lipson on Universal Interfacing System for Interactive Technologies in Telemedicine, Disabilities, Rehabilitation, and Education
Presentation by Marina Artuso on Experimental Particle Physics Education and Outreach Initiatives
Components of Future Initiative
Lipson's role in Universal Access and working with specific disabled students
TangoInteractive background material
Role of High Energy Experimental Physics in developing remote instruments for studying radiation
Vidali's role in developing course modules for teaching science for K-12 to college audiences
Catterall's role in developing Java based courses for a general science undergraduate class
Levy's role in developing module on Visualization of elastic defect interaction fields.
Higuchi's role in developing fluid flow modules for K-12 and college level instruction
Lewalle's role in support and training for educational technology
Background Links
Physics 105 and 106 "Science for the 21st Century": http://suhep.phy.syr.edu/courses/PHY106 or http://suhep.phy.syr.edu/courses/PHY105
Modules used in "Science for the 21st Century" (not available yet)
Physics 300, Internetics and Communicating Science to be taught fall 99 by Fox
Science and Computers (http://physics.syr.edu/courses/PHY307/) taught by Catterall fall 98
Fluid flow (golf ball) online education modules(http://SimScience.org/fluid/index.html) developed with NSF MRA funding by Higuchi's group with advanced discussion of golf ball simulation (http://simscience.org/fluid/red/golf.html) and the most elementary with earth and moon analogies(http://simscience.org/fluid/green/traject.html)
Virtual Statics Lab http://www.mame.syr.edu/virstatics/FrameSet1.html
Internetics and Physics http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/physicsfuturemar98
Internetics Concept (http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/internetics) published as a chapter in book on "Feynman and Computation", edited by Tony Hey, Perseus Books, 1999
Internetics Graduate or Continuing Education Certificate http://www.webwisdom.org/sept1998/WebWisdomCertDescription.html
TangoInteractive Collaboration system http://www.npac.syr.edu/tango
Paper on experience teaching at Jackson State using TangoInteractive http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/njm/jsuspring98/
Review of Web based education technology http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/houstonwebedoct98/index.html
NeatTools and Related Universal Access work by Lipson and Warner http://www.pulsar.org/
Geoffrey Fox<gcf@npac.syr.edu> Computer Science and Physics, Director NPAC
Marek Podgorny<marek@boss.npac.syr.edu> NPAC
Simon Catterall <smc@physics.syr.edu> Physics
Edward Lipson<edlipson@syr.edu> Physics and NPAC
Gianfranco Vidali <gvidali@mailbox.syr.edu> Physics
Marina Artuso <artuso@suhep.phy.syr.edu> High Energy Physics Experiment
Tomasz Skwarnicki <tomasz@suhep.phy.syr.edu> High Energy Physics Experiment
Sheldon Stone <stone@suhep.phy.syr.edu> High Energy Physics Experiment
Hiroshi Higuchi <hhiguchi@mailbox.syr.edu> MAME (Mechanical Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering)
Alan Levy <ajlevy@mailbox.syr.edu> MAME
Jacques Lewalle <jlewalle@mailbox.syr.edu> MAME
Edward Bogucz <bogucz@ecs.syr.edu> Dean of College of Engineering and Computer Science
Eric Schiff <EASchiff@syr.edu> Chair Physics Department
Ben Ware <brware@syr.edu> Vice President Research and Computing