Draft Whitepaper for project: Internetics Enabling Physics and Engineering Education and Outreach

Background from January 18 Meeting


Components of Future Initiative

Background Links


Geoffrey Fox<gcf@npac.syr.edu> Computer Science and Physics, Director NPAC

Marek Podgorny<marek@boss.npac.syr.edu> NPAC

Simon Catterall <smc@physics.syr.edu> Physics

Edward Lipson<edlipson@syr.edu> Physics and NPAC

Gianfranco Vidali <gvidali@mailbox.syr.edu> Physics

Marina Artuso <artuso@suhep.phy.syr.edu> High Energy Physics Experiment

Tomasz Skwarnicki <tomasz@suhep.phy.syr.edu> High Energy Physics Experiment

Sheldon Stone <stone@suhep.phy.syr.edu> High Energy Physics Experiment

Hiroshi Higuchi <hhiguchi@mailbox.syr.edu> MAME (Mechanical Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering)

Alan Levy <ajlevy@mailbox.syr.edu> MAME

Jacques Lewalle <jlewalle@mailbox.syr.edu> MAME

Edward Bogucz <bogucz@ecs.syr.edu> Dean of College of Engineering and Computer Science

Eric Schiff <EASchiff@syr.edu> Chair Physics Department

Ben Ware <brware@syr.edu> Vice President Research and Computing