Subject: Review paper 3.026 (Parco 99) Resent-Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 14:56:17 -0500 Resent-From: Geoffrey Fox Resent-To: Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 12:32:06 +0100 From: Reply-To: Parco99 To: CC: Parco99 Dear reviewer, This mail contains two attachments. The first attachment is the PARCO99 review form and the second attachment is the abstract to be reviewed. The abstracts are either in plain text or in gzip'ped postscript format. SEND THE REVIEWS TO: WITH SUBJECT: Review paper If you have any difficulties with the postscript file that we have send to you, please send an email to WE NEED THE REVIEWS BACK ** APRIL 9 ** THE LATEST Best regards, on behalf of the ParCo99 scientific organising committee, Henk J. Sips Program chair PARCO99 --------------------------------------------------------------------- PARALLEL COMPUTING 1999 - ParCo'99 - Paper Review Form * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DEADLINE REVIEWS * * APRIL 9 * * * * MAIL TO: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Use your editor and search # for items to be filled in ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Paper number: 3.026 Title: Distributed High Performance Computing with OpusJava Author(s): E. Laure Reviewer: Geoffrey Fox Reviewernr: 42 PC Member (if different): Please return to THE LATEST by April 9, 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE RATE THE PAPER: 1. excellent - definitely accept 2. good - accept with minor changes 3. weak accept - accept with a major revision 4. weak reject - rather reject 5. reject - definitely reject Your quote: # TYPE OF PAPER: 1. Regular paper 2. Specialised paper (to be presented interactively) Your quote: # CONFIDENCE: 1. Expert in the field 2. Familiar with the field 3. Not familiar with the field Your quote: # COMMENTS TO THE AUTHORS ORIGINALITY: Are the problems or approaches new? Is this a novel combination of familiar techniques? Has this or similar work been previously reported? # TECHNICAL CONTENT: How difficult was it to obtain the results? How much effort has been invested in the research? Are the claims theoretically or experimentally supported? # RELEVANCE to PARCO: How important is the work? Does it attack an important/difficult problem or a peripheral/simple one? # CLARITY: Is the abstract well organized and well written? Will the paper be accessible to a broad audience? # SIZE: Is the size of the abstract adequate? Does it contain enough information to be able to review the abstract? # REFERENCES: Are the references adequate? Is relevant work cited? # ADDITIONAL COMMENTS # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENTS NOT SEND TO THE AUTHOR(s): # END OF REVIEW FORM *********************** THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!! ********************** --------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Type: Postscript Document (application/postscript) Encoding: BASE64