Computing Portal Working Group (formerly Datorr) This( is a joint activity of the JavaGrande Forum and the newly formed Gridforum activity, which links the major high performance computing activities building the infrastructure for computational grids. This working group was originally called Datorr with this acronym denoting Desktop Access to Remote Resources. The new terminology more clearly describes the mission of this group and relates it to the exploding field of enterprise information portals (as described by Merrill Lynch in Further computing portal research activities have been launched by both NASA's Information Power Grid ( ) and the NSF partnership in computational infrastructure centered at Illinois (The NCSA Alliance We will leverage these and other projects in our further work. We also hope that the more descriptive name will encourage broad involvement in our activities and welcome new participants. The previous mission and activities of the Datorr working group will continue unchanged with the new name. Since our last report at the end of 1998, we held a good meeting on February 15th and 16th, 1999 at Sandia National Laboratory. Judy Beringer of Sandia National, and Gregor von Laszewski of Argonne National Laboratory organized the meeting. The technical preparation for the meeting was steered by Geoffrey C. Fox, Dennis Gannon, Piyush Mehotra, and Gregor von Laszewski. The meeting had over 25 participants with in particular contributions from the Gateway, Hotpage, Legion, NetSolve, Ninf, Ninja, and Unicore groups. The meeting broke up into two working groups discussing roughly the user/service and service backend resource interfaces respectively. In the latter case we identified the importance of the use of XML in describing computing related resources. We targeted a demonstration of the use of this technology with a simple web based interface to computing resources by SC99 in November 99. The first group continued the definition of the user view and task object started at our first meeting. As a follow-up, the Globus team has been very active in the investigation of the use of XML as one of the core technologies for interchanging information between different components of the Globus and the portal architecture. They have demonstrated that XML can be used as a language to describe components, jobs and tasks. Furthermore, they showed that the information expressed through the Grid Metacomputing Directory Service can be exposed as objects defined in XML. In defining the proper institutional implementation of the Computing Portal working group, we are pleased that the voluntary contributions by the Globus project allowing Gregor von Laszewski, Argonne National Laboratory, to work partially in this effort will be continued and enhanced with other NCSA Alliance resources. We discussed the architecture defined by the Datorr group at the Alliance meeting in Chicago in May and found widespread approval. Current Alliance plans for developing application specific computing portals was substantially built on the work of Datorr and we expect continued close collaboration. We are in the process of forming subgroups to work on selected common portal architecture requirements and implementations. Gregor von Laszewski will continue to serve as secretary for the working group and will organize future workshops. These Computing Portal workshops will be coordinated with the Gridforum and the JavaGrande Forum in order to leverage one another’s efforts. The working group will register the domain name During the month of July, the current Datorr web pages ( will be transferred to the new web site, which will be hosted at Argonne National Laboratory. The mailing list will temporarily continue to exist until the move to the new domain name is completed. Once completed, a new set of mailing lists will be created. We intend to schedule the next Workshop alongside Grid forum and JavaGrande meetings.