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Java Grande Forum

Report of the Concurrency & Application Working Group

Dennis Gannon, Michael Philippsen, George Thiruvathukal
September 10, 1998



The primary concern of the Java Grande Forum (hereafter JGF) is to ensure that the Java language, libraries and virtual machine can become the implementation vehicle of choice for future scientific and engineering applications. The first step in meeting this goal is to implement the complex and numerics proposals described in the report of the Numerics Working Group. Accomplishing this task provides the essential language semantics needed to write high quality scientific software. However, more will be required of the Java class libraries and runtime environment if we wish to capitalize on these language changes. The Java Grande Forum Applications & Concurrency Working Group (hereafter JGACWG) focuses on these issues.

It is possible that many of the needed improvements will be driven by commercial sector efforts to build server side enterprise applications. Indeed, the requirements of technical computing overlap with those of large enterprise applications in many ways. For example, both technical and enterprise computing applications can be very large and they will stress the memory management of the VM. The demand for very high throughput on network and I/O services is similar for both. Many of the features of the Enterprise Bean model will be of great importance to technical computing.

But there are also areas where technical computing is significantly different from Enterprise applications. For example, fine grained concurrency performance is substantially more critical in technical computing where a single computation may require 10,000 threads that synchronize in frequent, regular patterns. These computations would need to run on desktops as well as very large, shared memory multiprocessors. In technical applications, the same data may be accessed again and again, while in enterprise computing there is a great emphasis on transactions involving different data each time. Consequently, memory locality optimization may be more important for Grande applications than it is elsewhere in the Java world. Some technical applications will require the ability to link together multiple VMs concurrently executing on a dedicated cluster of processors which communicate through special high performance switches. On such a system, specialized, ultra low latency versions of the RMI protocol would be necessary. (In such an environment, an interface to shared memory, via RMI or the VM, would also be desirable.)

It is important to observe that there are problems which can be described as technical computing today which will become part of the enterprise applications of the future. For example, image analysis and computer vision are closely tied to application of data mining. The processing and control of data from arrays of sensors has important applications in manufacturing and medicine. The large scale simulation of non-linear mathematical systems is already finding its way into financial and marketing models. It is also the case that many technical computing applications do impact our day-to-day lives, such as aircraft simulation (the recent design of the Boeing 777) and weather forecasting. At least in the case of aircraft design, the industry has a valuation in the billions of dollars, which means it is far from being merely niche area being of limited interest.

This document is part of a larger report being written by the Java Grande Forum members. There are two major sections of this report: Numerics and Concurrency/Applications. For all practical purposes, each of these documents is self-contained and thus can be read separately.


This section of the Java Grande Report pertains to Concurrency/Applications. It is organized as follows:
  1. critical JDK issues

  2. highest priority issues, mostly related to Remote Method Invocation
  3. benchmarks
  4. seamless computing
  5. other parallel and distributed computing issues
In this report, we present preliminary findings of the working group. We welcome a continuing discussion of these issues. Please send questions or comments to javagrandeforum@npac.syr.edu.

I. Critical JDK Issues

Sequential VM performance is of utmost importance to develop Grande applications. Since there are many groups working on this issue, the JGACWG simply provides some additional kernel benchmarks illustrating performance aspects in areas that are particularly important for Grande applications.

In addition to sequential VM performance, Grande applications require high performance for parallel and distributed computing. Although some more research is needed on other paradigms that might be better suited for parallelism in Java, this report will focus on RMI (Java's remote method invocation mechanism), since there is wide-spread agreement on both the general usefulness and the deficiencies of RMI.

In general, RMI provides the capability of allowing objects running in different JVMs to collaborate. Current RMI is specifically designed for peer-to-peer client/server-applications that communicate over the commodity Internet. For high performance scientific applications, however, some of RMI's design goals and implementation decisions are inappropriate and cause serious performance limitations. This is especially troublesome in closely connected environments, e.g. clusters of workstations and DMPs.

The choice of a client/server model may prove too limited for many applications in scientific computing, which usually take advantage of collective communication as found in Message Passing Interface (MPI); however, the goal of this document is not to propose such sweeping changes to RMI. We rather choose to focus on how to make RMI, a client/server design, suitable for Grande applications with no changes to the core model itself. It is our hope that a better RMI design and implementation will stimulate community activities to support better communication models that are well-suited to solving community problems.

ISSUE 1 : Performance of Object Serialization

Requirement: Fast remote method invocations with low latency and high bandwidth are essential, especially in fine grained areas of science and engineering. Since object serialization and parameter marshaling are the mechanisms used for passing parameters to remote calls and the associated cost(s) amount to a significant portion of the cost ot remote method invocation, serialization should be as fast as possible.

In an ideal solution, the exact byte representation of an object would be sent over the network and turned back into an object at the recipient's side without any unnecessary buffering and copying.

The JGACWG understands that the JDK's object serialization is used for several purposes, e.g. for long term storage of persistent objects and for dynamic class loading on remote hosts via http-servers. It is obvious that some of these special purpose uses require properties that are either costly to compute at runtime (latency) or that are verbose in their wire representation (bandwidth).

However, since some of these features are not used in Grande applications, there is room for improvement. The following subsections identify particular aspects of the current implementation of serialization that result in bad performance. The problems are described, and some solutions are suggested. Where possible, some benchmark results demonstrate the quantitative effects of the proposed solution.

Experiment: Experiments at Amsterdam [4] indicate that easily up to 30% of the run time of a rmote method invocation are spent in the serialization.

1.1 : Slim Encoding of Type Information

Problem: For every type of object that is serialized, the current implementation prepends a complete description of the type, i.e., all fields of the type are described verbosely. For a single serialization connection, every type is marshaled only once. Subsequent objects of the same type use a reference number to refer to that type description. Type description is useful when objects are stored persistently and when the recipient does not have access to the byte code representation of the type.

When RMI uses the serialization for marshaling of method parameters, a new serialization connection is opened for every single method invocation. (More specifically, the reset method is called on the serialization stream.) Hence, type information is marshaled over and over again, thus consuming both latency and bandwidth. The current implementation cannot keep the connection open, because the serialization would otherwise refrain from re-sending arguments with modified instance variables. (Note, that the whole structure of objects reachable from argument objects is serialized; one of the objects deeply burried in that graph might have changed.)

Approach: For Grande applications it can be assumed that all JVMs that collaborate on a parallel application use the same file system, i.e., can load all classes from a common CLASSPATH. Furthermore, it is safe to assume that the life time of an object is within the boundaries of the overall runtime of the application. Hence, there is no need to completely encode and decode the type information in the byte stream and to transmit that information over the network.

Experiment: At Karlsruhe University, a slim type encoding has been implemented prototypically [1]. It has improved the performance of serialization significantly by avoiding the latency of complicated type encoding and decoding mechanisms. Moreover, some bandwidth can be saved due to the slimmer format. Figure AC-1 shows the runtime of standard serialization in the first/blue row and the runtime of the improved serialization with slim type encoding in the second/red row. The effect is much more prominent on the side of the reader (right two bars, 2) than on the side of the writer (left two bars, 1).

Figure AC-1: Serialization with slim type encoding


Solution: The JGACWG sees two options to avoid costly encoding of type information.

The JGACWG favors the first approach because it will require less changes in the current specification. Although the second approach would help, a little, the complete type information would still be sent, yet less frequently.

1.2 : Handling of Floats and Doubles

Problem: Since in scientific applications, floats and arrays of floats are used frequently (the same holds for doubles), it is absolutely essential, that these data types are packed and unpacked efficiently. Nevertheless, the current serialization does not handle these primitive types efficiently.

The conversion of these primitive data types into their equivalent byte representation is (on most machines) a matter of a type cast. However, in the current implementation, the type cast is implemented in the JNI and hence requires various time consuming operations for check pointing and state recovery upon JNI entry and JNI exit. Moreover, the serialization of float arrays (and double arrays) currently invokes the above mentioned JNI routine for every single array element.


Experiment: A prototype at Karlsruhe University (see Figure AC-2, [1]) stresses the effect of this approach.

Figure AC-2: Serialization of float arrays


Solution: It is absolutely essential that

And since there are easy ways to do it that do not require any change of an API, this should be done in the next release of the JDK.

1.3 : Reflection Enhancements

Problem: A byte array is used as communication packet. During serialization, every single instance variable is copied into/from that byte array individually. Most of this copying is done at the Java level using reflection. (As mentioned above, only for floats and doubles the JNI is asked to return the appropriate byte representation.)

In contrast to zero-copy protocols that are used (or attempted to be used) in other messaging protocols, at least two complete copy operations (one at the sender side and one at the recipient side) are needed. Although the JGACWG regrets it, it seems very unlikely that future JVM implementations will closely interact with the communication mechanisms to allow for zero-copy protocols. This seems to be one of the price tags caused by Java's portability.

Approach: Obviously, there should be as few copy operations as possible. Those that remain should be performed as fast as possible.

Solution: Better performance can be achieved in two ways

Experiment: A serialization with better buffering and less copying has been implemented at Karlsruhe University [1]. The prototype is based on an enhanced reflection mechanism, that can deal with all instance variables of an object at once. (This has been hacked into native code that is called through the JNI.) The performance numbers are shown in figure AC-3 [1]. In the figures, "std" refers to the standard serialization, "ext" indicates the fact that the object provides a writeExternal routine, "buf" incorporates more efficient internal buffering, and "native" uses the hack that is supposed to be replaced by an enhance reflection.

Figure AC-3: Serialization of several instance variables

The JGACWG strongly recommends to allow for more efficient handling of the communication buffer, since performance of serialization can be increased by a factor of more than 10.

1.4 : Implementation Improvements

Problem: In addition to the suggestions for improved implementation of object serialization, object serialization should take about the same time for writing and reading. Otherwise, the pipeline between sender and receiver shows an imbalance resulting in wasted time.

Experiment: In the current implementation, it is much faster to produce the byte array representation of an object than it is to recreate the object. The severity of this problem can be seen in Figures AC-1 to AC-3 above.

Approach: The JGACWG cannot provide any specific suggestions here.

ISSUE 2 : Performance of RMI

Requirement: Fast remote method invocations with low latency and high bandwidth are essential, especially in fine grained areas of science and engineering. Apart from object serialization, there are other aspects of RMI that should be improved.

Experiment: Experiments at Amsterdam [4] indicate that easily up to 30% of the run time of a rmote method invocation are spent in the RMI implementation. Other 30% are spent in the network.

2.1 : Improved Connection Management

Problem: The current RMI implementation closes and re-opens connections to other hosts too frequently. For object serialization streams, that causes the re-transmission of type information, as has been discussed above. Re-creation of socket connections is a costly operating system job.

Approach: Whereas RMI's approach seems to be useful in case of unstable wide area networks, for closely connected JVMs this approach is far too pessimistic. Socket connections should be left open for the duration of the user program. At least, it might make more sense to keep a working set and use a least recently used algorithm to kick connections out of the working set.

Solution: To achieve this, the user should have an option to switch RMI into that mode. Again, this requires a command line option for the rmiregistry and another method in the RMISocketFactory class.

2.2 : Careful Resource Consumption

Problem: In the current RMI implementation, every single remote object uses a port of its own. In addition, a thread is started monitoring that port. Every remote method invocation causes the creation of a new socket and a new thread. In addition, a watch dog thread monitors the state of a connection. Since object creation is known to be quite slow in current JVMs and since thread creation is even slower, this approach is not amenable for high performance comptuing, especially for fine grained problems.

Approach: Instead of creating new objects and threads almost on every RMI activity, the internal layers of RMI should reuse sockets. Moreover, worker threads from a thread pool should repeatedly service incoming requests. The underlying asumption is that the network is quite stable and communication failure will cause failure of the whole application.

2.3 : Custom Transport

Requirement: Fast remote method invocations with low latency and high bandwidth are essential, especially in fine grained areas of science and engineering. It is absolutely essential that non-Ethernet special purpose high-end communication hardware can be used.

Problem: It is almost impossible, to use very specialized, high performance network protocols through RMI. Although SCI, ATM AAL5, Myrinet, ParaStation, Active Messages are all used in technical applications, there is no straightforward way for Java applications to make use of them.

The JPACWG strongly recommends that RMI will be extended to allow for high-speed communication hardware to be used. Since the source code of the lower layers of the RMI implementation are not public, no specific suggestions can be made in this report.

ISSUE 4 : Other Suggestions

4.1 : Source Code Availability

Problem: The RMI implementation needs class files from several packages. A lot of the code is contained in sun.rmi.*. For this code, the Java source is not released. In particular, there is no source code for the various versions of JDK 1.2.

There are people that are willing to work on that code to improve it's runtime efficiency. Because of the missing source code (and the fact that de-compilers do not recreate the comments) the missing source code these people are prevented from doing work the JGACWG is interested in.

Solution: The JGACWG suggests that Sun will include the source code of current RMI implementations either in the standard JDK distribution or will create a process so that interested research groups can get access to it before a release gets final.

4.2 : Class Compatibility

Problem: The class compatibility test is too stringent. In the case where one is not using NFS (more common than the case where one is using it), it appears one can take the same code (unmodified), compile it with the same version of JDK (resulting in the same class files), and cause an exception, because the classes are deemed incompatible.

Solution: There may be no easy fix for this. Compatibility should probably be defined in terms of the version of Java being used as it is now; however, two classes with the same class and instance variables should be compatible, provided they are compiled with the same Java compiler.

Experiment: None known. Related to this problem is section 4.3 for which an experimental prototype has been constructed.

4.3 : Dynamic Class Loading from Remote Hosts

Problem: RMI's implementation currently makes use of a network class loader, but in a very limited way. It would be nice if a client could be started very thin (with no classes) and have all needed classes be downloaded. In a browser, for security reasons, this feature should be optional. For Grande applications, most of which do not depend on a browser, this has a very desirable deployment property.

First, NFS (or File Sharing) or a web browser would not be a requirement for deploying application code. Grande applications tend to run on large networks or multicomputers, where a large number of nodes need to be bootstrapped. It should be possible for all code to be dynamically loaded by pointing Java at the network class server with an appropriate, fully-qualified, class name.

Second, the ability to take advantage of class loading is one way of dealing with the class incompatibility problem. The network class loader can effectively be used to replicate a directory of classes onto multiple nodes at startup time. This ensures that all nodes participating in an RMI computation will be coherent (well, almost, but with a good network class loader design, it is possible).

Experiment: The RRMI research done by Loyola University and JHPC has resulted in a prototype of this approach.

II. Benchmarks

Requirement: The performance of the JVM should be as high as possible, especially in areas that are of particular importance to Grande applications.

Since the JGACWG cannot improve the JVM implementations, the group has started a community activity to collect benchmarks that are helpful to guide JVM builders.

ACTIVITY 1 : Performance of the JVM

Technical computing often involves application components that require multi-gigabyte images. Unfortunately, many current VM implementations have restrictions on the size of application heap and many others demonstrate poor memory management and garbage collection performance. JVM performance areas that are of specific importance to JGACWG include: The JGACWG is putting together a suite of kernel benchmarks to test VM performance in these areas.
Threads - synchronization, scalability, threads versus runable Dennis Gannon
I/O Dan Reed ?
Memory management - object size, object number, garbage collection Piyush Mehrorta

ACTIVITY 2 : Application benchmarks

The JGACWG has identified a series of real technical applications that can be provided to the community to support compiler and VM optimization efforts. This project has goals similar to the original NAS, Splash, and Perfect Benchmarks which were used by the high performance computer and compiler designers to gauge their progress. In the case of the Perfect Benchmarks, many of them are now being integrated into the SPEC suite which is the standard for the industry. The Grande benchmarks should play the same role in the Java computing industry. The following table gives the area and the organization that promised to supply the benchmark.

Monte Carlo Simulations NCSA and EPCC
Image Analysis, Radio Astronomy NCSA
Gravitational N-Body Simulations Indiana
Computational Fluid Dynamics Syracuse
Geophysics University of Karlsruhe,   CD available
Discrete Event Simulation INRIA and EPCC

ACTIVITY 3 : Other Kernel Benchmarks

Spec Java Kernels
Mpeg3 audio decoder
Ray tracing
Sorting George Thiruvathukal
RMI Michael Philippsen and Bernhard Haumacher
Serialization Michael Philippsen and Bernhard Haumacher
Sun benchmarks?
Low level arithmetics
Numerics Group
Linpack NG
Jama NG

III. Seamless Computing

For the average scientist and engineer one of the greatest difficulties in doing large scale computation is the constant struggle requires to port applications to a new environment. This involves the following tasks: A seamless technical computing environment would allow a Java based programming environment that could provide a uniform interface to all these remote resources. Java based agents can be installed at each site which cooperate with the user and guide him through the resource discovery and authorization process and provide an integrated development environment for using these remote resources.

It is possible that such a system can be built on top of some of the existing and emerging meta-computing infrastructures. Many of these provide the tool kit and components to build on, and a few have partial solutions to the problems listed above.

Related projects are:

With a collective effort of the JGACWG it should be possible to do much more. The JGACWG envisions an interface that is widely supported by the hardware vendors, much like the JDBC interface for database access.

Such an interface should deal with the following issues:

To define such an interface, a close examination of the various technologies is in order. 

IV. Other Parallel Issues

The role parallel computation plays in high performance technical computing cannot be under estimated. There are several ways to building a Java parallel computing environment. The following approaches are controversial and require community research.

V. Participants in the Applications & Concurrency Working Group

The following individuals contributed to the development of this document at the Java Grande Forum meetings on May 9-10 and August 6-7 in Palo Alto, California.
Geoffrey Fox, University of Syracuse
Dennis Gannon, Indiana, Chair
Vladimir Getov, University of Westminster, UK
Piyush Mehrotra, ICASE
Michael Philippsen, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Omer Rana, University of Wales, Cardiff, UK
Tony Skjellum. MPI-Softtech
Henry Sowizral, Sun
George Thiruvathukal, Loyola University, Chicago
Julien J.P. Vayssiere, Schlumberger House, Norway
Martin Westhead, EPCC, University of Edinburgh, UK
The following additional individuals also contributed comments which helped in the development of this document.
Denis Caromel, INRIA, France
Bernhard Haumacher, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

VI. References

[1] The benchmarks have been performed on a 300 Mhz UltraSparc II with JDK 1.2beta3, JIT enabled. JDK 1.2 (production release) shows numbers that are similar in ratio.
[2] Fabian Breg, Shridhar Diwan, Juan Villacis, Jayashree Balasubramanian, Esra Akman, and Dennis Gannon: RMI Performance and Object Model Interoperability: Experiments with Java/HPC++. Concurrency: Practice and Experience, volume 10, 1998, to appear.
[3] G.K. Thiruvathukal, L.S. Thomas, and A. T. Korczynski: Reflective Remote Method Invocation. Concurrency: Practice and Experience, volume 10, 1998, to appear.
[4] Ronald Veldema, Rob van Nieuwpoort, Jason Maassen, Henri E. Bal, and Aske Plaat: Efficient Remote Method Invocation. Technical Report IR-450, Dept. of Computer Science, Vrjie Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 1998.
[5] Jim Waldo: Remote Procedure Calls and Java Remote Method Invocation. IEEE Concurrency. Pages 5-7, September 1998.