Datorr: Desctop access to remote resources Summary: ... (to be defined) ... A collaborative effort between different Computer Science projects to enable a desktop access to remote resources including, supercomputers, network of workstations, smart instruments, data resources, and more. Information: A list of projects is kept here. New projects can be added to this list. The mailing list is called datorr@mcs.anl.gov and is archived. Administrative Contact: Gregor von Laszewski, gregor@mcs.anl.gov Activities: 1st Datorr Workshop, Argonne National Laboratory, 8-9th October, 1998 Announcement Program Members of the mailing list as result from the Workshop and related e-mails Birds of the Feather Session at SC98 Announcement (TBA: either Wednesday or Thursday evening not colliding with the Grids or Javagrande BoF) 2nd Datorr Workshop, Location to be announced, last Thursday and Friday of January 1999 datorr@mcs.anl.gov or gregor@mcs.anl.gov MAILING LIST IN ALMOST ALPHABETICAL ORDER Name: email: institution: project: Name: Jim Almond email: j.almond@ecmwf.int institution: ECMWF project: UNICORE Name: Chris Anderson email: anderson@math.ucla.edu institution: UCLA project: Java Linux Cluster Access Name: Rob Armstrong email: rob@glass-slipper.ca.sandia.gov institution: Sandia project: Lilith Name: Mark Baker email: mab@sis.port.ac.uk institution: CSM, University of Portsmouth, UK project: Name: Judy I. Beiriger email: jibeiri@sandia.gov institution: Sandia National Laboratories project: ASCI/DiCom2 Distributed Resource Management Name: Kai Chen email: kchen@ncsa.uiuc.edu institution: National Center for Supercomputing Applications project: NLANR/DAST Name: Richard K. Dean email: DeanR@RUCKER-ATTC.ARMY.MIL institution: US Army Aviation Tech Test Center project: Name: Judith Devaney email: judy@cam.nist.gov institution: NIST project: WebSubmit Name: Dietmar Erwin email: D.Erwin@fz-juelich.de institution: Forschungs Zentrum Juelich project: UNICORE Name: Marat Fairuzov email: fairuzov@mcs.anl.gov institution: ANL project: Globus Name: Ian Foster email: itf@mcs.anl.gov institution: ANL project: Globus Name: Geoffrey Fox email: gcf@npac.syr.edu institution: NPAC@Syracuse University project: WebFlow Name: Dennis Gannon email: gannon@cs.indiana.edu institution: DOE + NASA + Indiana University project: IPG Name: Linda Gallagher email: lkgalla@sandia.gov institution: Sandia National Laboratories project: ASCI/Discom2 Distributed Resource Management Name: Mark Gates email: mgates@nlanr.net institution: NCSA project: NLANR applications support Name: Jarek Gawor email: gawor@mcs.anl.gov institution: ANL project: Globus Name: Paul Gray email: gray@mathcs.emory.edu institution: Emory University project: IceT Name: Andrew Grimshaw email: grimshaw@cs.virginia.edu institution: University of Virginia project: Legion Name: Wolfgang Gentzsch email: gentzsch@genias.de institution: Genias project: Name: Siamak Hassanzadeh email: siamak.hassanzadeh@sun.com institution: SUN Microsystems project: Name: Tomasz Haupt email: haupt@npac.syr.edu institution: NPAC @ Syracuse University project: WebFlow Name: Bill Hibbard email: whibbard@macc.wisc.edu institution: University of Wisconsin project: VisAD Name: Ann L. Hodges email: alhodge@sandia.gov institution: Sandia National Laboratories project: ASCI/DisCom2 Distributed Resource Management Name: Robert Hood ("Bob") email: rhood@nas.nasa.gov institution: MRJ -- NASA Ames Research Center project: NASA Information Power Grid Name: Heath James email: heath@cs.adelaide.edu.au institution: University of Adelaide project: Disc World projectWWW: http://www.dhpc.adelaide.edu.au Name: Keith Jackson email: KRJackson@lbl.gov institution: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory project: Akenti Name: William E. Johnston email: wejohnston@lbl.gov institution: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory project: DOE 2000 - Security for Widely Distributed Architectures Name: Carl Kesselman email: carl@isi.edu institution: University of Southern California, ISI project: Globus Name: Olle Larsson email: larsson@mcs.anl.gov institution: MCS/ANL project: Globus Name: Gregor von Laszewski email: gregor@mcs.anl.gov institution: Argonne National Laboratory project: Globus Name: Miron Livny email: miron@cs.wisc.edu institution: University of Wisconsin project: Condor Name: C. Wayne Mastin email: mastin@nrcpet1.wes.hpc.mil institution: Nichols Research project: CEWES MSRC PET Name: Mauro Migliardi email: om@mathcs.emory.edu institution: Emory University project: Harness Name: Piyush Mehrotra email: pm@icase.edu institution: ICASE project: Arcade Name: Srilekha S. Mudumbai email: SSMudumbai@lbl.gov institution: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory project: Distributed Access Control Name: Mary Pietrowicz email: maryp@ncsa.uiuc.edu institution: NCSA project: NCSA Habanero/ISAAC Name: Robert Pollock email: rdollo@sandia.gov institution: Sandia National Laboratories project: ASCI/DiCom2 Distributed Resource Management Name: Alan Stagg email: stagg@rusty.wes.hpc.mil institution: U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station project: Name: Volker Sander email: V.Sander@fz-juelich.de institution: Forschungszentrum Juelich project: NRW Metacomputing Project Name:Dave Snelling email: snelling@fecit.com institution: Fujitsu project: UNICORE Name: Marvin Solomon email: solomon@cs.wisc.edu institution: University of Wisonsin project: Condor Name: George Thiruvathucal email: george.k.thiruvathukal@acm.org institution: Loyola University project: JavaNow Name: Mary Thompson email: mrthompson@lbl.gov institution: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory project: Akenti Security