Subject: Science Education Portals Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 11:10:38 -0500 From: Geoffrey Fox ------- Blind-Carbon-Copy Reply-to: To: "Roscoe Giles" , "Reagan Moore" , "Ann Redelfs" , "Scott Lathrop" , "Raquell Holmes" , "Ilona Lappo" Subject: Science Education Portals Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 11:10:38 -0500 From: Geoffrey Fox I must admit that I do not understand the significance of the term "partial ordering" as applied to events. Let us decde events are units of information (essentially messages) which have various tags which perhaps always include a time-stamp and also others such as "sender" "subject" (as in email events), some indicator of domain (to distinguish mouse, email, voice, user customization events) etc. Sometimes as in email or MPI messages, events are sent out and stored in distributed queues associated with particular recipients. Other times they are "all" stored somewhere (usually in a source dependent queue) and then "listened to" by recipients who register interest. Given the large number of events implied by integration of all communication into queued rather than synchronous delivery, the "architecture of event system" appears a major issue. I usually note that "collaborative systems" essentially federate otherwise disjoint event services. (e,g. they transfer mouse events from one machine to another) There are some quite interesting implications I think of using events to do audio video conferencing. Current approaches involve 3 distinct buffer (aka event) sizes 1) Real-time audio/video conferencing (CUseeMe, Tango, Access Grid) fraction of a second 2) Real Audio (several seconds) 3) Download file locally and play (indefinitely large) Thinking of AV as events (with very fast real time processing if necessary) of a small size which can be concantenated for modes 2) and 3) (and transmitted redundantly for mode 1)) appears to me to allow more flexible robust A/V conferencing where you can dynamically move between 1) 2) or 3) dependent on line-quality and lateness of arrival of listener to a session. This is perhaps a special case of integration of synchronous and asynchronous collaboration enabled by an event based approach. It also emphasize that a difficult issue (computer science research) is retaining real-time (high) performance for synchronous modes even with intermediate buffers and filters (for user customization such as that needed for universal access) A simple but important issue is "event format" (e.g. XML DTD for events) which allows very fast retieval of critical tags and allows a more relaxed analysis to fully process (in a message lingo, we need certain tags in mesage header) The event model is (in my opinion) the most natural ("best") for all portals. We should define differences between education and other (research, commodity) portals. Identification and support of "learning specific functions" appears important. Perhaps Assesment is a good example of a critical learning area which is not so critical in other portals (although in commerce portals, merchants would data-mine your navigation through the portal to both evaluate portal and decide how best to market to you) We are currently emphasizing collaboration more than say the current discussion of "computer portals" does. Is this a difference? Geoffrey Fox, Director of NPAC and Professor of Physics and Computer Science Phones Cell 3152546387 Office 3154432163 Npac 3154431723 Fax 3154434741 ------- End of Blind-Carbon-Copy