Name of program: RNGCHN

Type of program (eg quake model, mesh generator, strain calculator, visualizer, etc): Calculate surface displacements and strains

Author: K. Feigl and E. Dupre

Institution: CNRS, Toulouse, France

Program's heritage (ie name and author of predecessor code if any): DISLOC.C by Andrea Donnellan

Actively being further developed (y/n): Y Minor revisions to compile under Linux by Eric Fielding need to be incorporated.

Language: Fortran calling a few C functions to handle binary I/O

2d (y/n): Y
3d (y/n): Y
Elastic full space (y/n): N
Elastic half space (y/n): Y
Layered elastic (y/n): N
Viscoelastic half space (y/n): N
Layered viscoelastic (y/n): N
Maximum number of faults: dimensioned in include file to 300

Forward model (y/n): Y
Inversion capability (y/n): Y?
Type of inversion: Provides analytic partial derivatives.
Finite element ability (y/n): N
Boundary constraints:
Automatic mesh generation:

Includes self gravitation (y/n): N
Quasi-static failure criteria (y/n): N
User defined failure criteria (y/n): N
Hardwired failure criteria (eg Coulomb):

Dynamic solution (y/n):
Includes waves (y/n):
Highest resolved frequency:
Includes inertia (y/n):

Are there accompanying utilities (y/n): Y Matlab MEX file to call from Matlab. Plus 2 matlab scripts for converting geometric parameters.

Is it one main program or several programs that communicate via scripts, files, and pipes? One program with 4 command line arguments.

If it is several programs, please give a 1 line description of the major players.

Input format description: ASCII

Output format description: ASCII and 1-byte or 2-byte integers.

Is this code available to interested researchers (y/n): Y Public domain
Executable available (y/n): Y
Type of machine: Sun, HP
Source available (y/n): Y

Please describe what you consider to be the important features of this code in a paragraph or two.

References describing the algorithms or results from use:

Okada, Y., Surface deformation to shear and tensile faults in a half-space, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 75, 1135-1154, 1985.


Here follows the 0README.TXT file

RNGCHN: a program to calculate displacement components from dislocations in an elastic half-space with applications for modeling geodetic measurements of crustal deformation

Kurt L. Feigl and Emmeline Dupre

Revised for Computers and Geosciences (version 1.4)

The RNGCHN program calculates a single component of the displacement field due to a finite or point-source dislocation buried in an elastic half space. This formulation approximates the surface movements produced by earthquake faulting or volcanic intrusion. As such, it is appropriate for modeling crustal deformation measured by geodetic surveying techniques, such as spirit leveling, trilateration, Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), Global Positioning System (GPS), or especially interferometric analysis of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. Examples suggest that this model can fit simple coseismic earthquake signatures to within their measurement uncertainties. The program's input parameters include fault position, depth, length, width, strike, dip, and three components of slip. The output consists of displacement components in the form of an ASCII list or a rectangular array of binary integers. The same program also provides partial derivatives of the displacement component with respect to all 10 input parameters. The FORTRAN source code for the program is in the public domain and available as the compressed tar file rngchn.tar.Z in the directory /pub/GRGS via the Internet by anonymous ftp to This distribution includes worked examples and a MATLAB interface.

We appreciate comments and corrections.

This program will be part of a package prepared under contract to the European Space Agency, and a paper in Computers and Geosciences. If you use the program in a publication, please cite:

Feigl, K. L. and E. Dupre, RNGCHN: a program to calculate displacement components from dislocations in an elastic half-space with applications for modeling geodetic measurements of crustal deformation revised for Computers and Geosciences, November, 1998

Good luck.

Kurt Feigl Emmeline Dupre

The remainder of 0README.TXT was deleted for inclusion in this HTML document. If you are interested in the whole thing, get it from the ftp site above. It is quite extensive, describing how to get, compile, and use the program, as well as a version of the paper. (Ken Hurst, editor of HTML document)