Name of program: "FaultPatch Model" (top-level executable is "fp-engine")
Type of program (eg quake model, mesh generator, strain calculator, visualizer, etc): quake model (event sequences, not single event details)
Author: Seth McGinnis
Institution: University of Colorado
Program's heritage (ie name and author of predecessor code if any): New
Actively being further developed (y/n): yes
Language: C++
n*: No, but I've thought about it and think it could be added in without gratuitous pain and suffering.
Is it one main program or several programs that communicate via scripts, files, and pipes? One main program
If it is several programs, please give a 1 line description of the major players.
Input format description: All files are plain-text. Requires a parameter file and a file describing fault element geometries and containing loading rate stresses.
Output format description: Customizable at run-time, to a degree, via parameters in input files. Outputs event sequences (time, size, location) in detail (formatted for display with LASSPTools' DynamicLattice, provided the fault is roughly planar) or in summary.
Please describe what you consider to be the important features of this code in a paragraph or two.
The FaultPatch model places no contraints on fault geometry, and treats stresses in full and correct tensor form, allowing the full effects of 3-d geometry to be studied.
References describing the algorithms or results from use: None yet. Halfspace Green's functions from Okada, BSSA 1992. Algorithms descendants of model in Rundle, JGR 1988