Subject: monograph Resent-Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 17:07:45 -0500 Resent-From: Geoffrey Fox Resent-To: Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 17:21:05 -0800 From: "Kenneth J. Hurst" To: Geoffrey Fox Geoffrey - I am sending what I have so far for the gem mongraph chapter. It seems very rough and rather small quantity. I am having a hard time deciding what to write. One piece describes the GEMCI. The second and third I think you have already seen - an example of using the GEMCI for earthquake modeling and an example of using it for earthquake response. ======== Current GEM Computational Components The first step in building the GEMCI has been to inventory the computer codes currently available in the community. A summary of the results of this inventory is maintained at and the status as of the time of writing is in Table 1. The catagories covered by the existing codes include codes for understanding dislocations: elastic models - both half-space and layered, viscoelastic models, finite element and boundary element codes, and inversion codes; codes for understanding how faults interact: cellular automata, finite element and boundary element codes, fault friction models; codes for understanding the dynamics of the earthquake rupture itself: and codes for displaying the results of various simulations. The second step is to start to define the building blocks of exchange formats and web interfaces which will allow each of the pieces of the GEMCI to work together. To that end, we have implimented a prototype system which uses a few of the pieces. Insert words (I think already written) from Jay, Ken, or Tom describing what was done. The goal was to create something which would be useful in its own right, but which initialy had a limited scope so that it could be accomplished in a short amount of time. Appendix 1 Short Descriptions Grouped by Type Elastic 3D-DEF -- Performs elastic dislocation boundary-element calculations coulomb -- Computes 3D elastic dislocation & 2D boundary element stress and strain DYNELF -- Models 3D elastodynamic finite difference with frictional faults faultpatch -- Generates earthquake sequences, given fault geometries and loading rates using Cellular automata methods. FLTSLP -- Inverts groups of focal mechanism solutions or slickenline data for orientation and relative magnitudes of principal strain rates and for relative micropolar vorticity. GNStress -- Model stresses induced by faulting, for studying fault interaction. layer -- Calculates surface displacements and strains for vertical strike-slip point source in horizontal layer above half-space. RNGCHN -- Calculate surface displacements and strains in elastic half space. scoot -- 2D elastodynamic finite difference with frictional fault simplex -- 3D inversion of geodetic data for displacement on faults. Viscoelastic DYNELF -- Models 3D elastodynamic finite difference with frictional faults FLTGRV and FLTGRH -- Compute 3 vector components of surface displacement from slip on a dipping thrust fault contained within an elastic layer overlying a viscoelastic-gravitational half space. STRGRH and STRGRV -- Computes 3 vector components of surface displacement from slip on a dipping strike slip fault contained within an elastic layer overlying a viscoelastic-gravitational half space. Virtual_California -- Realistic cellular automata (CA) viscoelastic earthquake simulator. VISCO1D -- Computes viscoelastic spherical deformation due to faulting or dike emplacement. Cellular Automata faultpatch -- Generates earthquake sequences, given fault geometries and loading rates using Cellular automata methods. Virtual_California -- Realistic cellular automata (CA) viscoelastic earthquake simulator. Dynamic DYNELF -- Models 3D elastodynamic finite difference with frictional faults scoot -- 2D elastodynamic finite difference with frictional fault Inverse FLTSLP -- Inverts groups of focal mechanism solutions or slickenline data for orientation and relative magnitudes of principal strain rates and for relative micropolar vorticity. simplex -- 3D inversion of geodetic data for displacement on faults. qoca Visualization VelMap -- Aid for visualizing displacement and velocity of crust. ===== Ken Hurst Mail Stop 238-600 voice: 818-354-6637 Jet Propulsion Lab / Caltech FAX: 818-393-4965 Pasadena, CA 91109