Name of program: layer
Type of program (eg quake model, mesh generator, strain calculator, visualizer, etc): strain calculator
Author: Rhodes Hart
Institution: CSIRO Exploration and Mining
Program's heritage (ie name and author of predecessor code if any):
Actively being further developed (y/n): n
Language: Matlab functions
Is it one main program or several programs that communicate via scripts, files, and pipes?
If it is several programs, please give a 1 line description of the major players.
Input format description: Matlab function parameters
Output format description: Matlab function result
Please describe what you consider to be the important features of this code in a paragraph or two.
Calculates surface displacements and strains for vertical strike-slip point source in horizontal layer above half-space. Based on expressions of Ben-Menahem and Gillon (1970) and Jovanovich et al (1974), it requires user interaction in choosing parameters for a numerical integration.
References describing the algorithms or results from use: Rhodes Hart, PhD thesis, University of Queensland, 1996