This is my understanding of near term proposal activity for GEM. We await reviews of KDI proposal but expect to submit a revised proposal along similar lines to that last year. Given comments on Saturday, the following changes are suggested. 1) Write a new introduction describing the next "wave" in earthquake science in spirit of NRC report as focussing on "systems (of faults)". It would be helpful to quote and cite report if possible. 2) In spirit of report, one can imagine activities with were a) GEM-like b) Involve observations c) Involve linkage to ground motion simulations d) Involve data assimilation e) Involve novel complex system simulations with pattern analysis etc. 3) This new wave needs a substantial amount of infrastructure including new linkages of people (multidisciplinary collaboration), as well as some agreed interfaces between simulations of different effects at different levels of resolution. 4) Proposal would be one contribution to moving field to this new focus and do this by impacting in two ways a) Contributing to the new infrastructure. Perhaps a section describing this should be added. We could emphasize involvement of those who have up to now had the more traditional "dig a trench" orientation. b) A "point end to end demonstration" which is the original proposed simulation with parallel fast multipoles etc. 5) One could also imagine a very different proposal emphasizing "avalanche science" where involvement of Hopfield and Santa Fe Institute would be appropriate.