Application Template: 1) Year 1: Establish Procedure Do 2 Simple Cases – Syracuse Black Hole, Maryland ? Establish collaboration with Parkbench activity 2) Year 2: 2 More “simple cases” including adaptive but still “pure” data parallel Do first complex distributed Application (John Hopkins?) 3) Year 3: Evaluate templates on tools and develop at least one more Distributed Application Problem Solving Environment – PETASIM Activity 1) Year 1: Develop simple standalone PETASIM with user control and evaluate on application templates, “petaflop/simple kernel parkbench kernels” Develop Java Interface to PETASIM which can be part of the TANGOsim PSE frontend Develop common API of Runtime/Application code to PETASIM and more sophisticated simulaters 2) Year 2: Extend PETASIM to adaptive applications Develop and test User directives to drive interpretation of Performance simulators (both PETASIM and sophisticated case) by runtime Ongoing use and evaluation 3) Year 3: Extend PETASIM to distributed applications Ongoing Use and Evaluation Problem Solving Environment – PCRC Runtime Activity 1) Year 1: Design Link of PCRC to Performance API described above Demonstrate key functions of PCRC linked to PETASIM 2) Year 2: Enhance PCRC functions with performance sensitive algorithms for selected target machines and evaluate 3) Year 3: Full implementation of PCRC with performance sensitive algorithms Application Testbed 1) Year 1: Link TANGOsim to performance system with one module PETASIM and others executing applications and users in computational steering environment – thi would not be in context of a real application 2) Year 2: Extend linkage to real applications – especially the John Hopkins Testbed Support migration of applications and other identified features 3) Year 3: Evaluate and Extend testbed so that it is example of a PSE (Note TANGOsim is essentially PSE infrastructure) with performance sensitive runtime with mix of user and automatic control