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We will use the digital server technology developed by NPAC which is already being used in their ATM K-12 experiment the Living SchoolBook.Єа/Ѕр=ІЇЈ Љ Њ|HHLџєџє XG(ќHHи(d'`Х`XaўuмЅhOР eNF^KZрZррZрZрZрZрZZ[Z[Z[Z[Z[Z[p[Z[ѓ\~ž[ž[ž[ž[ž[ž[ž[ž[Ы\Э\Э\Э\Э\Э\Э\&q]XЩ]}ѓ\рZž[(+ž[ž[ž[ž[ѓ\ž[рZрZž[€[ž[ž[ž[ž[рZž[рZž[Ы\єZ&[@рZрZрZрZž[Ы\ž[-ž[Title Page with PIs, departments, institutions, mailing and e-mail, phone, fax One page abstract give key words or a list of disciplines/sub-disciplines covered In this proposal we bring together experts from distributed computing, virtual environments, high-speed networking, and Web-based collaboration. The Advanced Resource Managment System (ARMS) is the centerpiece of the proposal and should be viewed as an enabling technology for a set of large scale distributed applications including both computing and collaboration. Our research will focus on integration of networking into the ARMS framework, and the development and evaluation of tools that measure the network requirements of ARMS applications. We think this could be very important in understanding the needed NGI, Internet 2 technology developments. These are integrated in terms of carefully chosen applications with which we will be able to motivate and assess the technology base. This requires a multi-disciplinary approach to be successful. This scenario can be expected both for academic applications (as seen today in nationally distributed Grand Challenges) and for industrial problems, as envisaged in multidisciplinary analysis and design for next-generation manufacturing. We bring in the Advanced Resource Management System (ARMS, from the Cornell Theory Center), an advanced metacomputing resource management tool that has already been designed to handle both compute and visualization systems. The latter will span virtual environments from advanced CAVETM capabilities at the Cornell Theory Center and the University of Houston, as well as conventional workstation-based analysis. TANGOsim (Syracuse University) is a recently developed Java Server-based collaborative environment that includes an event-driven simulator with the conventional services offered in comparable systems offered by the National Center for Supercomputing ApplicationsбHabaneroбand IBM. TANGOsim links applications written in any language. It can be integrated naturally with the compute services offered by ARMS, which is also based on a similar Web technology base. These base technologies will be tied together with industrial (medical, seismic, and manufacturing) and academic applications involving all members of the proposal team. We have included a strong networking research group from Cornell, which will allow us to assess the results of effort from application, computing, and networking perspectives. We believe that we have put together a team that combines leading-edge expertise and technologies in the diverse components needed in future distributed metacomputing environments. Further, in each case, base technologies (ARMS, TANGOsim, virtual environments) are well developed and this proposal will only fund their integration. The partners in this proposal are the Cornell Theory Center (CTC), the University of Houston (Houston) and Syracuse University (Syracuse). Advanced Resource Management System (ARMS) The Cornell Theory Center (CTC) has been developing an advanced resource management and scheduling system for distributed, heterogeneous computational, visualization, network, and data acquisition resources. This system, called ARMS, deterministically schedules applications on these resources so that network connectivity and quality of service are ensured. ARMS is a technology enabler, in that it provides access for applications to these distributed resources in a seamless, cohesive fashion. This will allow researchers from all areas to focus on their areas of expertise without being concerned with the logistics of running their applications or experiments on geographically distributed heterogeneous resources. ARMS includes a two-level intelligent scheduling system that uses an Informix distributed database. The database maintains status and availability information, which is then used to schedule jobs with specific computing, synthetic environment, software, data, and networking resource requirements. The foundation for ARMS is based on key components from the EASY-IBM LoadLeveler application programming interface (API) project . Through a minimal set of API calls, all the necessary information about local and remote computational resources and user job requirements can be queried reliably. This API is being extended to work with other major scheduling systems such as Platform Computing's LSF. ARMS provides secure, survivable resource management and job scheduling. Local resource monitoring agents are being developed that will relay status and availability information to the ARMS database using the Ensemble system developed at Cornell University. Ensemble, is a reliable networking protocol that guarantees the arrival of information and also its ordered arrival. Without ordered arrivability, for example, if a resource manager sends a message that a node is up and then a message that the same node is down, and the "node is up" message arrives after the "node is down" message, a scheduler might try to start a job on a node that is currently unavailable. ARMS relies on DCE/DFS for cross-realm authentication. Sites that participate in an ARMS distributed system will administer their own local DCE cell, which will allow cross-cell authentication with the other partner cells. CTC is working closely with staff members at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, who have been working extensively on multiple DCE cell deployment as well as issues related to administration. Due to the ARMS infrastructure's size and heterogeneous nature, distributed system monitoring tools and navigational tools will be extremely important for both systems administrators and users. IBM and CTC are developing Web-based Java tools for locating resources and monitoring their status and availability. Current work includes developing a Java-based hierarchical view of the ARMS resources and intuitive ways of browsing the hierarchy and presenting various pieces of interesting information. ARMS is being tested in several testbeds. Development work is being done primarily at CTC on its 512 node IBM SP system and SGI Power Onyx systems. As code matures it is deployed to a campus-based distributed system with ATM network connectivity. In addition, mature ARMS code has been tested on a national testbed including CTC, Pennsylvania State University, the University of California at Los Angeles, and the University of Maryland. The geographical distance between these sites has proven to be an excellent test of ARMS' capabilities. The reliable and deterministic service that ARMS will be able to guarantee will make it an essential part of the NGI. It will provide a mechanism to predict and control network traffic - a feature that is missing in the current Internet. Our working closely with key distributed application developers will ensure the ultimate usability of the ARMS system Network Capabilities CTC has considerable experience in ATM network technology, with four FORE switches and an IBM 8260 operating in a production environment for more than 18 months. Initially, we propose to use this infrastructure by setting up a virtual network between specified resources which would be completely under the control of ARMS. This will be done by creating Permanent Virtual Paths (PVPs) with guaranteed bandwidth in a full mesh between computing resources- ARMS will have full control of dynamically allocating appropriate Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) or Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) within the allocated bandwidth of the PVPs. Once tested in the local area, this concept can be extended, subject to approval, across the vBNS network to resources at the collaborating sites. An interesting case arises when there are multiple alternative paths between two systems- one of which may have higher bandwidth but also higher latency. Different requirements of different parts of a particular “job” may be transported over different paths based on their bandwidth and latency requirements. Early simulations of path latencies can be accomplished by creating “looped” virtual paths out into and back from the vBNS network. Collaboration Recent Web technology developments open the way for new collaborative computing environments that integrate traditional video conferencing, distributed simulation as developed by the DMSO office(SIMNET), and emerging ideas of computational steering. In this proposal we will link the ARMS system with TANGOsim developed at NPAC. TANGOsim uses Java Servers to manage Web collaboration in the traditional fashion already seen in Habanero (NCSA) and Shaking Hands (IBM but originating in NPAC). The Java Server supplies session management with multicasting allowing shared applications between multiple users. TANGOsim was built to support command and control with scripted environments allowing real and virtual members in the command teams. This is implemented as an event driven simulator replacing the simple session manager used in the other Web collaboration systems. Since ARMS and TANGOsim are built on a modern Web backbone we can integrate them so that ARMS provides the asynchronous scheduling and TANGOsim the synchronous collaborative computational steering, linking in each case distributed computers, databases, visualization and multiple collaborating computational scientists. TANGOsim has been developed with other funding for command and control and distance education. Here we propose funding for its integration with ARMS and the special features needed for distributed computational steering. TANGOsim is implemented as a Java Server linking a net of Java Applets with a special downloadable plug-in providing the critical connectivity. It already supports client applications written in Java, JavaScript, and C++ (and hence other traditional languages). We have demonstrated a prototype visualization client for a 3D GIS (Geographical Information System) with a custom VRML browser written in C++. Other major capabilities of TANGOsim include a video teleconferencing module and integration with a state-of-the-art digital video server that supports efficient multicast services. Further over the next few months, we will add a database backend (using the new JDBC Java Database Connectivity) which will allow one to log the complete multimedia collaborative session. TANGOsim provides traditional basic servicesб chatboard, shared whiteboard and multimedia mail. Further we have ported several interesting educational applicationsбthe WebWisdom dissemination systems and some interesting Physics education applets бto collaborative mode. Selected Test Applications The Virtual Classroom To test the usability of the ARMS system for the development of distributed programming environments, we have been working on several prototype applications and collaborative tools layered on top of ARMS. CTC and Syracuse have collaborated on the development of a secure Web-based scheduler interface that provides ARMS users with a common interface for submitting jobs to the ARMS scheduler and for browsing and editing DFS filespace, no matter where the jobs reside. "Smart Make" facility, another interface under development, will allow users to submit source code to the ARMS scheduler, which in turn will locate the necessary software and computing resources for the code, build the correct executable, and store metadata on the executable pertaining to its resource requirements. CTC is already a leader in the area of Web-based education through its Virtual Workshop. This application is particularly demanding of network responsiveness for users. Within the context of this educational framework CTC and Syracuse have collaborated on the development of a secure Web-based interface that provides users with a common interface for submitting jobs to the ARMS scheduler and for browsing and editing DFS filespace, no matter where the jobs reside. Until this point in time the Virtual Workshops have been asynchronus but with the integration and development of TANGOsim in the Virtual Workshop environment, we will create a truly Virtual Classroom environment. ARMS will enable advanced reservation of networking resources so that during a Virtual Workshop or class session users will be able to interact as they would in a physical meeting or class room. Virtual Environments -- A metacomputing application Recently, higher bandwidth communications channels have made collaborative science and engineering using shared virtual environments practical. Research efforts have focused on two main areas: software infrastructure and application development. Researchers concentrating on software infrastructure have developed software architectures, network protocols, and data-sharing algorithms to enable distributed, shared, virtual environments. Application developers have built specific applications to serve as proofs-of-concept for the effectiveness of distributed, shared virtual environments. To achieve real-time collaboration over long distances, two approaches have emerged: (1) rendering graphics locally on similar platforms and exchanging state data at high rates over a communications link and; (2) rendering graphics at a single facility and delivering those graphics, over communications channels, to remote users. The first technique demands that facilities be duplicated at every user site, but can be accomplished with modest bandwidths (for example, ISDN for a two-site installation or ATM over heterogeneous networks. The second technique can require a communication bandwidth in the gigabit/s range for real-time rendering, reasonable visual resolution, and color depth. In either case, low latencies are essential for user interaction. We propose to work with both approaches. In partnership with SGI and MCI, UH will develop, test, and distribute to our partners high performance remote rendering software. This technological innovation, based on work initially done at SGI and ongoing at the UH, will support the remote "writing" of frame buffers. Thus, a powerful graphics supercomputer at one site can effectively drive the displays of inexpensive workstations on the scientist's or engineer's desktop. In this effort, much of the focus will be on enhancing interaction and collaboration. Acoustic and haptic interfaces will be used to access additional sensory channels along which to communicate with the user. A useful shared virtual environment may also require visual representations of remote participants that are properly animated. Techniques such as gesture recognition, movement analysis, and voice recognition will be deployed for interactive tasks. The objective of this research thrust will be to improve the design of user interfaces (including display and interaction devices) so that the efficiency of the scientist and engineer, both singly and within team settings, is improved significantly. We will pay special attention to the unique problems of collaboration via shared virtual environments, leveraging from ongoing work at the UH, funded by DARPA. This activity will address, in addition to data representation and interaction with the computer, issues of nonverbal communication between team members, human figure representation (benefits and required fidelity), and multi-user interaction with the same data elements. Another major use of visualization will be its application as a user interface to large-scale mathematical models and simulations. We will seek to make possible the more effective use of such models and simulations executing on supercomputers, locally or remotely. This will be accomplished by allowing scientists and engineers to construct and work directly with meaningful representations of the physical systems that they are attempting to understand. With this approach, the user will directly manipulate the representation of the physical system of interest in order to communicate input parameters to the model/simulation executing elsewhere. By scaling the computing resources to the difficulty of the problem, we will achieve near--real--time interaction between the engineer and the model/simulation, greatly enhancing the ability of the scientist or engineer to pose "what--if" questions and follow a reasoning "trail" by using an appropriate model or simulation. Buiding this application with on top of ARMS and TANGOsim allows us to deliver this environment and to the user by creating an effective interface and giving the deterministic control of the scheduling of the multiple resources required. Applications for visualization The application that we propose for metacomputing environments is shared virtual workspaces. Such a metacomputing application can also be viewed as a metacomputing technology, which in itself should be demonstrated and measured in terms of end-user feasibility and value. As end-user applications we propose 3-D medical imaging and video, and 3-D seismic data sets for exploration and reservoir modeling, and engineering design in the manufacturing industry. These applications are selected because first they involve large, complex, 3-D data sets, second the interpretation of the data sets are typically done by parties in different geographical locations, third the end--user has strong demands on quality of representation, ease of perception, and performance ("quality-of-service"). University of Houston has excellent relationships to all three user categories, and a realistic assessment of accomplishments can be achieved. Integration and Assessment We propose to deploy a distributed collaborative computing environment that focuses on high level user services. Little experience exists on either the useful features of such a system or on the needed infrastructure capabilities in areas of network, parallel multimedia database for session logs, and computational services including visualization. Thus our proposal will be structured as a set of application experiments where we will carefully assess both the value of particular system features and needed performance and functionality of underlying infrastructure. This assessment will use traditional computer and network performance tools augmented by enhancements in TANGOsim to log message traffic through the session manger. Here we will follow the strategy exploited in our Virtual Programming Laboratory of using a web implementation of Illinois's Pablo system with ,performance data logged in TANGOsim's backend database using the SDDF data format. The heart of this proposal is the integration of ARMS and TANGOsim with at a lower level TANGOsim integrating the components of a synchronous computational steering environment. The details of this integration will depend on the evolution of Web technology but we expect to continue the basic architecture built around Netscape's LiveConnect on the client and Java Servers. Note that TANGOsim can be viewed as "just integration technology" for collaboration systems "just" provide integration between the involved clients. The Virtual Classroom will create an excellent immediate feedback, and assessment mechanism. |HHLџєџє XG(ќHHи(d'`аЯрЁБс;џў џџџўџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџCMХ`м`!џџ!џџ!џџ!џџ!џџ џџ џџ œ№7*і5ХACM{„“вnOPЂЃЄн’ “  ! " M JKлм{| !78žŸДЧШƒ „ ’ м!н!§#ў#&&j(k(7*M*ы-ь-ž/Ÿ/Щ9Џ:А:Б:Ь:{;|;’;І>Ї>3C4C5CцLCMР! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р!PР! Р! Р! Р!  Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р!P Р! Р! Р! Р! Р!PР! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р!  Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р!PР! Р! Р!  Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! Р! 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The Advanced Resource Managment System (ARMS) is the centerpiece of the proposal and should be viewed as an enabling technology for a set of large scale distributed applications including both computing and collaboration. Our research will focus on integration of networking into the ARMS framework, and the development and evaluation of tools that measure the network requirements of ARMS applications. We think this could be very important in understanding the needed NGI, Internet 2 technology developments. These are integrated in terms of carefully chosen applications with which we will be able to motivate and assess the technology base. This requires a multi-disciplinary approach to be successful. This scenario can be expected both for academic applications (as seen today in nationally distributed Grand Challenges) and for industrial problems, as envisaged in multidisciplinary analysis and design for next-generation manufacturing. We bring in the Advanced Resource Management System (ARMS, from the Cornell Theory Center), an advanced metacomputing resource management tool that has already been designed to handle both compute and visualization systems. The latter will span virtual environments from advanced CAVETM capabilities at the Cornell Theory Center and the University of Houston, as well as conventional workstation-based analysis. TANGOsim (Syracuse University) is a recently developed Java Server-based collaborative environment that includes an event-driven simulator with the conventional services offered in comparable systems offered by the National Center for Supercomputing ApplicationsбHabaneroбand IBM. TANGOsim links applications written in any language. It can be integrated naturally with the compute services offered by ARMS, which is also based on a similar Web technology base. These base technologies will be tied together with industrial (medical, seismic, and manufacturing) and academic applications involving all members of the proposal team. We have included a strong networking research group from Cornell, which will allow us to assess the results of effort from application, computing, and networking perspectives. We believe that we have put together a team that combines leading-edge expertise and technologies in the diverse components needed in future distributed metacomputing environments. Further, in each case, base technologies (ARMS, TANGOsim, virtual environments) are well developed and this proposal will only fund their integration. The partners in this proposal are the Cornell Theory Center (CTC), the University of Houston (Houston) and Syracuse University (Syracuse). Advanced Resource Management System (ARMS) The Cornell Theory Center (CTC) has been developing an advanced resource management and scheduling system for distributed, heterogeneous computational, visualization, network, and data acquisition resources. This system, called ARMS, deterministically schedules applications on these resources so that network connectivity and qd simulations executing on supercomputers, locally or remotely. This will be accomplished by allowing scientists and engineers to construct and work directly with meaningful representations of the physical systems that they are attempting to understand. With this approach, the user will directly manipulate the representation of the physical system of interest in order to communicate input parameters to the model/simulation executing elsewhere. By scaling the computing resources to the difficulty of the problem, we will achieve near--real--time interaction between the engineer and the model/simulation, greatly enhancing the ability of the scientist or engineer to pose "what--if" questions and follow a reasoning "trail" by using an appropriate model or simulation. Buiding this application with on top of ARMS and TANGOsim allows us to deliver this environment and to the user by creating an effective interface and giving the deterministic control of the scheduling of the multiple resources required. Applications for visualization The application that we propose for metacomputing environments is shared virtual workspaces. Such a metacomputing application can also be viewed as a metacomputing technology, which in itself should be demonstrated and measured in terms of end-user feasibility and value. As end-user applications we propose 3-D medical imaging and video, and 3-D seismic data sets for exploration and reservoir modeling, and engineering design in the manufacturing industry. These applications are selected because first they involve large, complex, 3-D data sets, second the interpretation of the data sets are typically done by parties in different geographical locations, third the end--user has strong demands on quality of representation, ease of perception, and performance ("quality-of-service"). University of Houston has excellent relationships to all three user categories, and a realistic assessment of accomplishments can be achieved. Integration and Assessment We propose to deploy a distributed collaborative computing environment that focuses on high level user services. Little experience exists on either the useful features of such a system or on the needed infrastructure capabilities in areas of network, parallel multimedia database for session logs, and computational services including visualization. Thus our proposal will be structured as a set of application experiments where we will carefully assess both the value of particular system features and needed performance and functionality of underlying infrastructure. This assessment will use traditional computer and network performance tools augmented by enhancements in TANGOsim to log message traffic through the session manger. Here we will follow the strategy exploited in our Virtual Programming Laboratory of using a web implementation of Illinois's Pablo system with ,performance data logged in TANGOsim's backend database using the SDDF data format. The heart of this proposal is the integration of ARMS and TANGOsim with at a lower level TANGOsim integrating the components of a synchronous computational steering environment. The details of this integration will depend on the evolution of Web technology but we expect to continue the basic architecture built around Netscape's LiveConnect on the client and Java Servers. Note that TANGOsim can be viewed as "just integration technology" for collaboration systems "just" provide integration between the involved clients. The Virtual Classroom will create an excellent immediate feedback, and assessment mechanism. |HHLџєџє XG(ќHHи(d'`There is general expectation that computational science will make increasing and critical use of distributed heterogeneous metacomputing environments. However this implies the development and integration of new technologies џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџЂЄ89шщ > ? 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This scenario can be expected both for academic applications (as seen today in nationally distributed Grand Challenges) and for Industrial problems as envisaged in multidisciplinary analysis and design for next generation manufacturing.A centerpiece of this proposal will be the integration of advanced networking with ARMS which will be lead valuable insight to Internet 2 and NGI as this develops. Linking this technology withOur approach is applicable to general large scale computational problems but here we focus on two general areas -- one from education and the other a classic grand challenge. asynchronous Syracuse has already integrated its HPCC and Web course system WebWisdom wit