ࡱ;   R F}4@CompObj\WordDocument $ObjectPool$}4$}4>?@ABCD FMicrosoft Word 6.0 DocumentNB6WWord.Document.6; dVPL - Virtual Programming Labi ,7/dd2V s `!Z `!Z `!ZVirtual Workshop Offerings The table below shows the areas for which we have web-based materials and the number of modules and labs for each. The first three of these are tried and tested modules both in on-site workshops and Virtual Workshops, updated after feedback and evaluation by hundreds of participants in our Virtual Workshop. The Visualization modules have been used in a classroom environment and will be presented in a Virtual Workshop in June. The Code Optimization is based on materials that have been used at our on-site workshops and will be used for the Virtual workshop in July. I have also tried to indicate the services we might provide for each area, when porting to another SP environment. Some of the modifications are clearly required, modification and testing of labs, others are optional, such as replacing our SP module with one which is targeted to the local SP environment. I am in the process of estimating the effort required for this porting, but feel confident that in a relatively short amount of time the workshop materials could be in use on another system. Many materials were originally designed to be portable, focusing on language standards rather than local implementation. We have also had experience with some of these modules in running them on the SP at Penn State University. HPCC Area Number of modules/labsPorting to another SP Introduction to Parallel Programming3 modules 0 labsno additional work requiredMPI12 modules 12 labsIntro to SP environment Intro to POE Modification and testing of labs.HPF11 modules 10 labsIntro to SP environment Intro to POE Modification and testing of labs for a given compilerCode Optimization1 basics module 2 serial performance 2 parallel performance 4 labsModification for different node architecture Modification for given tool set.Visualization (using DX)6 modules 4 labsModification to different visualization software  The VW modules allow the participant, with a manageable time investment, to gain a solid grounding in an HPPC area. This is achieved by gradually building from simpler to more complex concepts, stressing hands-on experience at each step. For each of these there are underlying application example codes, beyond offering workshop material as it stands, we could effectively add other case studies in the areas of interest to your user base. When we offer a Virtual Workshop at CTC the users get access to consulting support. This we can also offer, and I would assume at least in the first instance it would be required to "train the trainers". In developing these materials we have gained a great deal of experience in the most suitable technologies and their application. Given our broad area of expertise within HPPC we are very well equipped to develop new modules in a broader range of computational science and numerical methods. |HH(FG(HH(d'` Oh+'0; A M Yem u SummaryInformation(=AGp@Macintosh HD:Microsoft Office:Microsoft Word 6:Templates:NormalVirtual Workshop OfferingsTheory Center StaffTheory Center Staff'@ w4@v@}4k@Microsoft Word 6.0.12 ܥhO eB$B lllllll ;=&xXT;l ;llllllllSVirtual Workshop Offerings The table below shows the areas for which we have web-based materials and the number of modules and labs for each. The first three of these are tried and tested modules both in on-site workshops and Virtual Workshops, updated after feedback and evaluation by hundreds of participants in our Virtual Workshop. The Visualization modules have been used in a classroom environment and will be presented in a Virtual Workshop in June. The Code Optimization is based on materials that have been used at our on-site workshops and will be used for the Virtual workshop in July. I have also tried to indicate the services we might provide for each area, when porting to another SP environment. Some of the modifications are clearly required, modification and testing of labs, others are optional, such as replacing our SP module with one which is targeted to the local SP environment. I am in the process of estimating the effort required for this porting, but feel confident that in a relatively short amount of time the workshop materials could be in use on another system. Many materials were originally designed to be portable, focusing on language standards rather than local implementation. We have also had experience with some of these modules in running them on the SP at Penn State University. HPCC Area Number of modules/labsPorting to another SP Introduction to Parallel Programming3 modules 0 labsno additional work requiredMPI12 modules 12 labsIntro to SP environment Intro to POE Modification and testing of labs.HPF11 modules 10 labsIntro to SP environment Intro to POE Modification and testing of labs for a given compilerCode Optimization1 basics module 2 serial performance 2 parallel performance 4 labsModification for different node architecture Modification for given tool set.Visualization (using DX)6 modules 4 labsModification to different visualization software  The VW modules allow the participant, with a manageable time investment, to gain a solid grounding in an HPPC area. This is achieved by gradually building from simpler to more complex concepts, stressing hands-on experience at each step. For each of these there are underlying application example codes, beyond offering workshop material as it stands, we could effectively add other case studies in the areas of interest to your user base. When we offer a Virtual Workshop at CTC the users get access to consulting support. This we can also offer, and I would assume at least in the first instance it would be required to "train the trainers". In developing these materials we have gained a great deal of experience in the most suitable technologies and their application. Given our broad area of expertise within HPPC we are very well equipped to develop new modules in a broader range of computational science and numerical methods. |HH(FG(HH(d'`r-V ,ddClient-Server Interaction ,ddFC ODE Ap0 gnA`p2 s UlFd+,BucUcWX/0;Rij  + 3 !,!,!!!!!!                   lJJJJII Z@ #lJJJJII(Z@ #lJJJJII(Z@ JJJ3 K X  3 4 M W ^ 2 N O   @AB                 !!!!!!!!!!lJJJJII Z@ K@Normala c"A@"Default Paragraph FontB B   B 3 B STheory Center Staff.Macintosh HD:Temporary Items:Word Work File A Theory Center Staff,Macintosh HD:proposal folder:VW:SP offeringsTheory Center Staff1Macintosh HD:Temporary Items:Word Work File A 230Theory Center Staff1Macintosh HD:Temporary Items:Word Work File A 230Theory Center Staff,Macintosh HD:proposal folder:VW:SP offerings@FFf=MTimes New Roman Symbol "MArial MTimes"1hʛffk<TVirtual Workshop OfferingsTheory Center StaffTheory Center Staffࡱ;