Comments: Generally looks Good 1)DBC is PI not GCF 2)Discuss other peoples work: So we leverage libraries CHAOS DAGH Global Array Leverage HPF studies We participate in Java Grande activity and build lessons in I wonder if there is more directly related ideas -- Do you know what FORTRAN P (Woodward Minnesota)and F-- (Numrich Cray) are like 3)Somewhere discuss metacomputing i.e. targeting heterogeneous systems is a straightforward extension -- do this when we discuss thread implementation 4) Add a one page Project summary which has some technical depth i.e. more technical than C.1 Now comments tied to particular pages: 5)Page 1,2 section C.1: say what we have achieved (i.e. adlib plus HPJava design and initial prototype 6)Page 1 End of paragraph 1: Perhaps remark that if EXPERT programmers build parallel programs and less experienced use rather develop, then not so suprisingly that SPMD popular 7)Page 2 First paragraph: Discuss regular v irregular briefly 8)Page 3, Goal 2: Add regular and irregular remark 9)Page 3, add Goal 3: Testing and Evaluating HPjava and HPspmd on large scale applications 10)Page 4, line 11: "learning naive use" seems poor english 11)Page 5, line 16: Add a short section summarizing enough of HPJava for rest of this section e.g. define overall used later 12)Page 5, line 8 from bottom: Somewhere here comment that here is where compiler optimizations come in 13)Page 6, line 12: Move sentence at end of section (Gosling in parentheses)here. In Goling sentence change "the approved" to "his preferred" 14)Page 6, line 15: C becomes C and Fortran and unrealistic becomes an unrealistic 15)Page 6, sec. C2.2 line 4: at Syracuse becomes led by Syracuse 16)Page 7, line 6: anticipate becomes believe 17)Page 9, line 2 from bottom: toolkit for becomes toolkit for several projects including 18)Page 11, line 20: Fast Multipole becomes Fast Multipole and its associated irregular MPI-based library 19)Page 12, HPspmd Collaboration model: don't go into so much detail -- just specify mutual visits and continuation of ongoing electronic collaboration. Note substantial sharing of software already as illustrated by HPF front end and f2j 20)Page 12 SUN work: Say this will look at Java for NCSA Alliance Grand Challenges 21)Around Page 12: Describe "application oriented for test and evaluation" development process 22)Page 15 line 18: Fortran should be Fortran90 ? 23)Page 15 bottom line: after HPF say (one in Europe and one at Syracuse) 24)Page 16: Comment on raw performance of adlib wrt PGI library 25)Section H Say we have 8-CPU SGI Power Challenge , a cluster of about 14 Sun UltraSparcs used for a mix of database, educational and computational resources, a cluster of 10 PC NT's ATM already exists; SP2 and DEC machines have gone 26)I will get you a better summary of interests for me