Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 8 98

Foil 22 Some Observations on Education

From General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint) Physics Colloquium -- March 19 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Technology can improve quality and reduce cost
  • different people have different goals/expectations
2 Training (typically lifelong learner) and Education communities surprisingly far apart
  • Training tends to have highly motivated learners with difficult time constraints. So asynchronous learning with minimal teacher in the loop is easier here than in education
3 Surely we need to support both asynchronous and synchronous (teacher in the loop)
  • Note asynchronous supports exploratory learning
  • Good synchronous support collaborative interactivity -- so both models are interactive
4 At a recent distance education conference, exhibitors show some 20 Web-based asynchronous systems,; only 2 synchronous

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