Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 8 98

Foil 59 Wrapping Existing Applications -I

From General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint) Physics Colloquium -- March 19 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 CORBA is natural distributed object formalism
2 Java (with visual interfaces i.e. JavaBeans) is natural interface language
  • JavaBeans can be used at tier 1(client) or 2(server)
3 Linking this to tier 3 "classic applications" gives rise to JavaBean/CORBA wrappers for existing applications
4 This turns legacy applications into CORBA distributed objects and so can be remotely executed and documented (via CORBA trader or yellow pages service)
5 Further these applications now have a visual interface for linking them together in containers and inspecting their parameters

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