Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 8 98

Foil 66 What are General Properties of Curricula Objects

From General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint) Physics Colloquium -- March 19 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Each object has contents which could be embedded document types such as images, bullets ..
2 Each object has a "Next" and "Previous" object inherited from container
3 There would be for each display of object, an "up/down" state representing where (e.g. which bullet) teacher or student is
4 One would attach to object, the audio/video clip of teacher presenting it
5 There would be as in PowerPoint, "notes" attached to object
6 Licensing information
7 There would be log events attached to object used in assessment as well grades and grading method.
8 Particular curricula objects would inherit general properties but also have special properties which would be different for an HTML page and Physics Simulation Java Applet

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