Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 8 98

Foil 55 Pragmatic Object Web Technology Model

From General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint) Physics Colloquium -- March 19 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

The current incoherent but highly creative Web will merge with distributed object technology in a multi-tier client-server-service architecture with Java based combined Web-ORB's
COM(Microsoft) and CORBA(world) are competing cross platform and language object technologies
  • Javabeans plus RMI is 100% Java distributed object technology
Need to abstract entities (Web Pages, simulations) and services as objects with methods(interfaces)
How do we do this while infrastructure still being designed!
One can anticipate this by building systems in terms of Java objects e.g. develop Web-based databases with Java objects using standard JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) interfaces
Even better use Javabeans which are Java's componentware offering visual interfaces, containers (here they are consistent with CORBA standard) and standard software engineering interfacing rules

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