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Technologies for Education and Education about Technologies

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Physics Colloquium on March 19 98. Foils prepared April 8 98

We first describe some general trends in education and its implications for physics
We discuss the new field of Internetics and where physics fits in
We describe new approaches to distance education and the role of collaboration technology with Tango as the example
We then discuss the WebWisdom system combining Web, Database, Distributed Object and Collaboration capabilities

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
GeneralFoils98A          General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 
WebWisdomNov97Master     Master Set of  WebWisdom Education and 
                          Training System: Distributed Objects and 
ICWUJan98                Plans for ICWU International Collaborative 
PPTPennStateMaster       Master Presentation on Java for Simulation 
                          and Education
CEWESYear2SummaryFeb98   CEWES Year 2 Summary of NPAC Activitie
DaytonJune97Master       Master Set of Foils for Two Talks at Dayton 
                          (Multidisciplinary Applications, Tango 
GeneralFoils97B          General NPAC Foils-B starting 
TangoJune97Master        Master Set of Material on Tango and 
NPACScreenDumps97        Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                          Projects  January 97-
WebTrainJune97Master     Master Set of Foils for Two Web Training 
CORBAGenFeb98            Introduction to  CORBA and distributed 
                          Objects using Visigenic ORB

Table of Contents for Technologies for Education and Education about Technologies

          GeneralFoils98A 059 001 Technologies for Education and 
                                  Education about Technologies 
          GeneralFoils98A 060 002 Abstract of Physics and Education

What is NPAC
          GeneralFoils98A 010 003 People and Infrastructure in NPAC
          GeneralFoils98A 011 004 Nature of NPAC Programs

Physics and the Current World
     WebWisdomNov97Master 022 005 Some General Remarks
     WebWisdomNov97Master 023 006 Technology Opportunities in 
                                  Education I
     WebWisdomNov97Master 024 007 Technology Opportunities in 
                                  Education II
          GeneralFoils98A 061 008 Impact of IT worker Shortage
          GeneralFoils98A 062 009 Impact of Education/Web Technology 
                                  on Physics

Internetics as General Scenario
          GeneralFoils98A 043 010 Synergistic Teaching  of Parallel 
                                  Computing and Web Academic Field of 
                ICWUJan98 004 011 What is Internetics ?
                ICWUJan98 013 012 Internetics Certificate Curriculum: 
                ICWUJan98 014 013 Internetics Certificate Curriculum: 
                ICWUJan98 015 014 Internetics Certificate Curriculum: 
          GeneralFoils98A 063 015 Internetics Certificate Curriculum: 
                                  Graduate Electives
          GeneralFoils98A 055 016 Summary of ICWU International 
                                  Collaborative Web University and its
                                   Internetics Program
          GeneralFoils98A 004 017 Goals of Distance Education
          GeneralFoils98A 005 018 Traditional Model of Instruction
          GeneralFoils98A 006 019 ICWU Model of Instruction
          GeneralFoils98A 007 020 ICWU Model of Instruction

WebWisdom System
       PPTPennStateMaster 042 021 Architecture of WebWisdom Education 
                                  Delivery System
     WebWisdomNov97Master 004 022 Some Observations on Education
     WebWisdomNov97Master 005 023 Asynchronous and Synchronous 
     WebWisdomNov97Master 010 024 CSC499 at Jackson State
   CEWESYear2SummaryFeb98 003 025 Distance Education for  Curricula 
   CEWESYear2SummaryFeb98 004 026 Architecture of JSU Distance 
   CEWESYear2SummaryFeb98 005 027 Screenshots of Tango Teaching Tools
          GeneralFoils98A 056 028 Next Steps in CSC499 Experiment
       DaytonJune97Master 018 029 TANGO Collaboration Model
       DaytonJune97Master 019 030 TANGO Applications with their 

Collaboration in Education
          GeneralFoils97B 099 031 Educational Glossary VIII
        TangoJune97Master 006 032 TANGO Collaboratory
        TangoJune97Master 007 033 TANGO: Highlights
        TangoJune97Master 001 034 Collaboratory systems: Taxonomy I
        TangoJune97Master 002 035 Collaboratory systems: Taxonomy II
        TangoJune97Master 009 036 TANGO: Control Application
     WebWisdomNov97Master 015 037 The current Capabilities of Tango -I
        NPACScreenDumps97 076 038 Tango Screen: Talking Heads and 
                                  White Board
     WebWisdomNov97Master 016 039 The current Capabilities of Tango 
     WebWisdomNov97Master 017 040 The current Capabilities of Tango 
        NPACScreenDumps97 077 041 Tango Screen: Physics Applets -- 
                                  Cross Product, Planets and Neural 
     WebWisdomNov97Master 018 042 The current Capabilities of Tango 
        NPACScreenDumps97 035 043 A demo of animated objects 
                                  controlled by simulation engine of 
                                  Tango collaborative system - III
        NPACScreenDumps97 136 044 Collection of Shared Applications 
                                  (incl 3D Visible Human) in the New 
     WebTrainJune97Master 012 045 Use of Video on Demand in WebWisdom
        NPACScreenDumps97 101 046 Search interface for video material.
                                   An end user performs a category and
                                   keyword search on available video 
        NPACScreenDumps97 102 047 Search results: a list of video 
                                  clips starting with matching 
                                  keywords in the close caption. 
        NPACScreenDumps97 100 048 Close caption text associated with 
                                  each clips in a Web browser. 
        TangoJune97Master 020 049 Video on Demand/TANGO Integration
     WebWisdomNov97Master 013 050 Where are We Now ?
                ICWUJan98 002 051 What is ICWU?
                ICWUJan98 003 052 Goals of ICWU
                ICWUJan98 005 053 Features and Concepts of ICWU - I
                ICWUJan98 015 054 Internetics Certificate Curriculum: 
            CORBAGenFeb98 054 055 Pragmatic Object Web Technology 
          GeneralFoils98A 017 056 Today's Confusing Multi-Technology 
                                  Real World Second Tier Server Layer
            CORBAGenFeb98 055 057 What are JavaBeans I
            CORBAGenFeb98 056 058 What are JavaBeans II
            CORBAGenFeb98 057 059 Wrapping Existing Applications -I
            CORBAGenFeb98 058 060 Wrapping Existing Applications -II
          GeneralFoils97B 104 061 Database Architecture for WebWisdom
          GeneralFoils97B 093 062 Educational Glossary II
     WebWisdomNov97Master 006 063 What is an Educational Object?
     WebWisdomNov97Master 007 064 What are the "Database Issues"
     WebWisdomNov97Master 008 065 What is a Curricula Object?
     WebWisdomNov97Master 009 066 What are General Properties of 
                                  Curricula Objects

List of Foils Used as they occur

GeneralFoils98A          General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 
59 60 10 11 61 62 43 63 55 4 5 6 7 56 17
WebWisdomNov97Master     Master Set of  WebWisdom Education and 
                          Training System: Distributed Objects and 
22 23 24 4 5 10 15 16 17 18 13 6 7 8 9
ICWUJan98                Plans for ICWU International Collaborative 
4 13 14 15 2 3 5 15
PPTPennStateMaster       Master Presentation on Java for Simulation 
                          and Education
CEWESYear2SummaryFeb98   CEWES Year 2 Summary of NPAC Activitie
3 4 5
DaytonJune97Master       Master Set of Foils for Two Talks at Dayton 
                          (Multidisciplinary Applications, Tango 
18 19
GeneralFoils97B          General NPAC Foils-B starting 
99 104 93
TangoJune97Master        Master Set of Material on Tango and 
6 7 1 2 9 20
NPACScreenDumps97        Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                          Projects  January 97-
76 77 35 136 101 102 100
WebTrainJune97Master     Master Set of Foils for Two Web Training 
CORBAGenFeb98            Introduction to  CORBA and distributed 
                          Objects using Visigenic ORB
54 55 56 57 58

Sorted List of Foils Used

GeneralFoils98A          General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 
4 5 6 7 10 11 17 43 55 56 59 60 61 62 63
WebWisdomNov97Master     Master Set of  WebWisdom Education and 
                          Training System: Distributed Objects and 
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 15 16 17 18 22 23 24
ICWUJan98                Plans for ICWU International Collaborative 
2 3 4 5 13 14 15 15
PPTPennStateMaster       Master Presentation on Java for Simulation 
                          and Education
CEWESYear2SummaryFeb98   CEWES Year 2 Summary of NPAC Activitie
3 4 5
DaytonJune97Master       Master Set of Foils for Two Talks at Dayton 
                          (Multidisciplinary Applications, Tango 
18 19
GeneralFoils97B          General NPAC Foils-B starting 
93 99 104
TangoJune97Master        Master Set of Material on Tango and 
1 2 6 7 9 20
NPACScreenDumps97        Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                          Projects  January 97-
35 76 77 100 101 102 136
WebTrainJune97Master     Master Set of Foils for Two Web Training 
CORBAGenFeb98            Introduction to  CORBA and distributed 
                          Objects using Visigenic ORB
54 55 56 57 58

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