Basic HTML version of Foils prepared November 18 98

Foil 40 Tango supports Microsoft NetMeeting

From User View of Tango Features with tutorial Tango Tutorial at SC98 Orlando -- November 8 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Microsoft currently supplies NetMeeting for Windows 95/98/NT
This supports a different model for sharing
  • When you share Word for example, there is only one copy of application running on the master
  • In Tango classic shared event model, the application (e.g. spring applet) runs separately on each machine
At its simplest, NetMeeting shares the "display" (frame buffer produced by application)
  • This explains curious hatched area on following page. This corresponds to part of Word window that is obscured on the master but not on the slave.
NetMeeting captures mouse and keyboard actions in the shared window and treats these as shared events
  • This allows shared editing with a difficult master-slave model
This is an example of Tango interfacing to a C++ client application -- Microsoft's NetMeeting

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